Were are all the battlegrounds people?!!!



Well since i made 20today i decided that i was going to have a break from blasted Xping for a night.


Me and my friend corel from the Pheonix guard thought that we would go beat up some mids and hibs....


That didnt go to well at all. First time i went and he was still in Keltoi so i managed to group with a very nice merc called keshan or somehting like that who showed me were to go and etc.

And all was wonderful we was fighting good. Then as we only had a Frair with the enitre Raid we all died. And i would like to thank her BTW she was wonderful but i cant remember her name but she was From Dead dragons i think. So as we all died we realsed and alot of people logged as it was late. So me and Corel went back and grouped with a inf from his guild. and it tunred out that me corel and this Inf was stood at the keep fighting about 5 0r 6 mids alone. for a 20 sorc, 23 theu and 23 inf was hard. me and corel ended up dieing but the inf lived.

What i am trying to say is... WERE IS EVERYONE!?!
while on my way back to BG i decided to see were all the 20-23 peeps were and i saw like 2 lvl 21-23 clerics in emain why on earth would you go there when thee is the Battle grounds???

So everyone go to BG go go go

Frella Noble lvl 20 sorc [templar knights]

<Comes with mezzflinging staff bashing doll>


A high amount of the BG population is alts, levelled just to go there... With a new playground (aka DF) for the highbies, they're petting the kobbies there.


u just gotta go at the right time... sumtimes theres no1 about and other times there'll be around 50ppl there


There was at least 20 people there last night......
What time did you get there Frella?

Was running around flinging aoe mezzes left right and centre (omfg it's so sick!) with my sorceror...
We only had the friar from my guild (Alluvia) for resses, was her first time in the battlegrounds but I think she didn't mind the ressing too much (well at least not when another one came along to help :))

Wish the hibs or mids would take the keep - so much more fun to be attacking than defending :)

Not a single cleric in Thidranki for the whole time I was there..


clerics sux

I would rather have friars around anyway. Clerics are over rated :)

and i was there about 12:30am ish give or take a few mins


That could be why... middle of the bleeding night :)

All us sensible people had gone to bed by then :p

(take it that's 12:30am GMT? which means for anyone in europe it's 1:30 or 2:30am...)
some of us have work in the mornings you know :p :)


whats sleep?

It really bugs me that we finally got Battle Grounds just as I turned level 36 way back when, so I missed them completely lol, sods law. Now I have to wait for my alt to get high enough.

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