Well ....



...WTF are doing exp the peeps of lvl 33-40 !?!?!?!?!!? WTF hapend with Gobos of Lyonesse !?!?!?!?!? Someone can say me where is this new spot ?!?!?! kthxbye

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Most people along with every twat and his grey con infi alt are in the barrows now.

Bitter? Me? Nah, you must have me mistaken with someone else who wanted to hunt in the barrows.


Barrows doesn't strike me as being anymore overcamped then when I was first trying to reach 50. Was killing down there to pl an alt down there with no trouble, hell spots that normally had 3 groups only had 1 or 2 and we were there for a couple of hours in prime time.

Personally I loved the barrows for exp even before we had DF let alone Avalon. Did most of 40-50 down there. Could never understand why people whined about waiting XX hours for tree groups when barrows was almost as good.

Dartmoor is highly under rated for exp to, just a pain in the ass when the dragon flies over.


Lyonesse is more funy :). All albis(33-40) back lyonese :D


lol, a friend was power leveling my little cabby on pikeys in Lyon, unfortunately he bit the dust, so I legged it towards gobbos, knowing full well I would meet the loving aid of 3fg of 30-35s and it was abandoned..........

...... for someone who spent hours at a time waiting for a gobbo spot to free, it was an eerie moment.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Barrows doesn't strike me as being anymore overcamped then when I was first trying to reach 50. Was killing down there to pl an alt down there with no trouble, hell spots that normally had 3 groups only had 1 or 2 and we were there for a couple of hours in prime time.

Personally I loved the barrows for exp even before we had DF let alone Avalon. Did most of 40-50 down there. Could never understand why people whined about waiting XX hours for tree groups when barrows was almost as good.

Dartmoor is highly under rated for exp to, just a pain in the ass when the dragon flies over.

Problem in barrows now is that every good spot is camped by some lvl 50 + grey con FOTM stuck to his arse.


or a bunch ov necro overcamping all arround...

tring to level an alt in echo room... but necro generaly take
left n right part ov the room n both side ov the bridge...

i've been sometimes in lyo but kinda hard to be ther alone...
n keep a good lvling rate


Lyonesse belongs to me. BASTA

:mgwhore2: :mgwhore:


Originally posted by Sibanac
Problem in barrows now is that every good spot is camped by some lvl 50 + grey con FOTM stuck to his arse.

The majority of campers in barrows atm seem to be solo sub-50 necros. Also there are a lot more FG's down there than when I ever levelled. Oh, and even those PLing... well, I don't PL when it's clearly already heavily camped, and I'm not PLing a FOTM anyway ;)


speaking of which, anyone noticed that since 1.60 advisors tend to add (not always) when you're in a group of 2 (necro + lowbie) ? kinda sucks now especially as dot owns ur pet.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I remember when I was leveling my ickle sorcerer and there was rarely more than 15 people in the entire place. Now there are at least 30 people in there by 9am GMT.

Damn annoying at times.

Dartmoor is a great place to go but I guess everyone is too lazy or something.


Originally posted by moo_work
speaking of which, anyone noticed that since 1.60 advisors tend to add (not always) when you're in a group of 2 (necro + lowbie) ? kinda sucks now especially as dot owns ur pet.

I'm finding i get an add with anything, as my necro, I think perhaps the pet counts as a third group member or something along those lines.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
I remember when I was leveling my ickle sorcerer and there was rarely more than 15 people in the entire place. Now there are at least 30 people in there by 9am GMT.

Damn annoying at times.

Dartmoor is a great place to go but I guess everyone is too lazy or something.

annyoing !? .. hmmm .... ok listen to MY story :

An early morning, bout 11AM I woke up, started my comp immideatly, and entered DAoC with my then lvl 42 Scout.

I jumped down to Echo Room, ganking Skelli's on the other side of bridge (abusing LoS!!!) :)

Totally clear, not even a necro, bufbot, NOONE!!!

w00t, I thought, I got it all to myself!!! I got 2K Blunt arrows (Crush (for Skelli's)), enough for atleast 8 hours exp!!! :)

During the day, some random necro's and lowbie grp's appeared, died and never got rezzed, hahaha !!! :p

I just keept shooting these ugly Skelli's, owning them totally, but then at like 3 - 4PM the barrows got filled with necro's, lowbie grp's, buffbots even a friar grp!

There are 2 exp spots at Echo's, 2 places that the Skelli's spawn, and they spawn pretty fast.

one grp can stand killing Echo's and Skelli's spawning close, and a SINGLE lvl 42 Scout can EASILY kill the other 4 Skelli's on the other side of the bridge, before next spawn!

So there I was, I have killed Skelli's for like 4-5 hours, and suddenly a grp comes down, stand and kill at MY spot, what I almost can call my home!!!

Very annoying, so I suggested them to go exp at trees, which is a bit further down barrows, because I had been there for like ALL DAY, then some jerg msg's me saying: "Fuck off, this is our spot, <insult> we been here the longest, <insult> .. get away etc etc..."

then Im like : "WTF U /&%¤£{#, don't EVER say that to me again! I told U to go somewhere else because I been here all day.. etc etc"

Then they:
1. Steal my mob (at this point I considered the spot for mine = my mob).
2. Shoot/hit the mob I pulled, not an accident, so they get agro, most exp.
3. Insult me while pulling, not just this guy, but almost whole grp.
4. Spamming me with same msg's over and over again... /ignore

this is the uncut version, I experienced this, and other horrible things simmilar to this (stealing my spot) SEVERAL times in Barrows, and I HATE IT !!!!!


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Well, I generally never stay anywhere long enough to get really annoyed by retards. As soon as my retard sense starts tingling I am outta there. :)


i virtually lived in the echo room in my low-mid 40s

now at 40 everyone>>>>>>>>>>>avalon city

i guess mids wonder why albs arent so horney for DF anymore :D

avalon city > all these days!


lotsa bad ppl arround

n is not a mistake they hit ur mob time after time (one could be n error but 3 or more not) just for the purpose to get heavy baf to kill ...


faggots play on alb

avalon is to damn far... barrows i near wd that is near cs n camelot... i hate that place but cannot spend bunch ov time going from spot a to spot b... ecc

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