Well done on new TFC server rotations...


Atomic Rammer

can u reinstate the the sniper class restriction. They were one of the best things about the barrysworld TFC servers.

I would think that sniper limit of 1 on servers 1-6 should do it :)




it really needs to be done.... all servers except the hunted one..


Maybe not, there's little point in have a sniper that just looks for easy frags, when you can have a guy like me, that will sit out the game totaly alone for 25 of 30 mins just to make sure that if the other team can't get the flag, a true sniper:) sure not allways the case, but hey many times have i defended the flag/key on my own before, when the attacking force has been multiple:D


I don't like snipers ... since the patch :p


Stu you didn't like snipers before the patch, i recall many times you bitching me, for being a sniper, that goes way back to last year when barrys only had 2 servers. Sure im a lpb, but it didn't realy mean that much anyway on the old code as it lagged like fk for everybody:( Btw has anybody noticed the sudden increase in engineers, maybe a engi cap is in order:p


Bah, damn snipers ... my sole aim now whilst playing 2Fort and Well is to take out the snipers ... that is it :p


Iv'e just spent the afternoon, either being called a newbie:) or a cheat, in fact some guy took it so personal, he swapped sides and fired rox at me for 20 mins. The state of the TFC servers here is a joke, i love playing the game, but atm, it's crazy, you either have the whole server, bitching about snipers, hw's, emp's, endless newbie calling from TFC players that have been playing for all of five minutes. I thing i found most funny was this guy, playing as a demo man, doing noting but spam, when he had another go at me for being a sniper, he turned round, and told me what he was doing took more skill:eek: FFS it seems that anything you do on the TFC servers, if you happen to be a good player, that don't belong to a your face fits here clan, you get nothing but bitched at, it's nowhere near as fun as it used to be:(


Aye, Barrysworld is quite full of Newbies ... but quit bitchin' and rack up the frags against these newbies. If someone changes sides and shoots at you removing armor, just change to the other side innit. Or go to another server.


Thats my point, the guy stuck to me like glue, he just followed me around the map firing at me, if i had changed sides he would have done the same, he was convinced i was cheating, because i was winning are sniper battle on 2forts, he killed me about 5 times, but everytime i killed him, all i got back was cheat. For christs sake i rack up 50 60 frags on every map, all i get back is being called a newbie for doing it, the state of TFC is pathectic atm, i just hope the same idiots don't play tf2. In no way am i branding everybody in the same light, but to be hounest most of it is true:( even the top clans that i see playing TFC here do nothing but bitch about the class's. The game is the game ffs, should they have taken things like rox and rails out of quake because some people are unstopable when using them, i think not, and whats more anybody on a quake server would get laughed at, and told to piss off if they started going on about it. The difference with TFC is it seems the norm to do it in every game, and all it starts is a bitching war everytime:(


Have a beer and relax ... theres nowt you can do about it. Nowt anyone can do about it.

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