Just had to post...
Damn nice job on them keeps
Was great fun defending surs too
GJ all :great:
Damn nice job on them keeps
Was great fun defending surs too
GJ all :great:
Originally posted by old.Hellskor
Yep, was good fun
... too bad that Zergion just get's bigger and bigger
(can you say : 300 Albs in their frontier ?)
Originally posted by mcirvine
291 when i did a who sauvage afaik
Originally posted by Genius-Ino
I'd like to say grats to Durgi and the other Nemesis members for good organisation in the alb frontiers. And of course also the other middies for bashing the albs ^^
Originally posted by Glyph_mid
And you'd like to thank NE who's thursday event was alb keep bashing
Originally posted by Xtro
thanks for mentioning "the others"...
New Era alliance, Norrsken and Havok alliances all bashed their heads together to plan this for a bit of fun on a thursday night. Then more of mid came (very welcome of course) and it developed from there.
As I recall Azal took over from Sarine in running things at some point. Props to both of them and everyone who took part.
A small point but valid
Originally posted by Genius-Ino
Sorry, I shall name everyone who was there next time. But then, if I would forget someone, I'd get the same sort of replies.
Originally posted by Xtro
No need to spit the dummy out, just giving credit where its due - to the people who planned this thing. Forgive me if I'm wrong but your initital post sounded like - this was a nemesis event, thanks to everyone else who came and helped us (tm).
Its easter - have a good one, we are after all, in the same realm.
Originally posted by IT-Saddo
gotta give some creds to the albies too - never seen such a def zerg assemble in so short time :]