Welcome to America ... what the ... ??


skerit XP

So, I'm just playing a bit ... having fun, blabla

I go linkdead (thanks a lot wanadoo) I reconect my internet connection, I start camelot (SI client)

It updates my client, tells me to reopen (Strangely, it does this everytime ...)

but the weirdest follows now, I reopen, and it downloads a patch. Patch 1.64 to be exact. I already figured where I was, tried anyway. Enteres pass and all, account incorrect ...

Suddenly I am in America ...

(Or Gorre maybe, one of the 2 is possible) but neither of these is ... not-weird. How did that happen?

skerit XP

Then you gotta search for every new thread you make ...


There must be at least a post per week for that thing. Never happened to me anyway muhahah.

skerit XP

What should I search for? 'America server' then you got 1000 idiots saying 'OOh, GOA sucks, I'm moving too the american servers, where I can get the patches faster'


Originally posted by Addlcove
try "patching problem" ??

or american AND server ANd update ? which gives you around 10 threads were atleast the half are about this problem and even with american AND server the highest thread was about a patching problem so you didnt even try to do a search?


or how bout going straight to the tech forum instead of the general discussion where this thread shouldn't even be.

Every bloody week!


Why even search for it, there is a sticky thread at the tech forum.


I don't think anyone can blame people for posting here when this happens. If you are new to the game how are you supposed to know that it's a common problem?

It's the twats at GOA and MYTHIC who should GET OFF THEIR ARSES AND FIX IT.

Didn't GOA say it would be fixed in 1.62??


u nasty beasts, leave the poor chap alone.

dude, once your patched back to euro files make a .bat file in your camelot root directory, open it with notepad and type login.dll inside it. save and close,
run the game using that .bat file. that skips the updater completly :)


Originally posted by geysor
I don't think anyone can blame people for posting here when this happens. If you are new to the game how are you supposed to know that it's a common problem?

but its a common rule(on most game boards) to first check if it is one and then make a thread about it. Now I actually dont mind him not doing so, I do find it slightly irritating that the search he gives actually does give a result he needed that was reasonable easy to find.

and geysor its the twats at mythic that should fix this thing, but they dont want to. Goa cant change anything in this game and mythic probably fully knows that their game will connect to their patch server if it cant connect to goa's one (or the one from other companies). The ip number for mythic must be somewhere hardcoded in the game as it isnt in update.dat (unless its hidden somehow).

Ow and hercules if you do that, you must not forget to run the game properly when goa is patching though ;).


Originally posted by hercules-df
u nasty beasts, leave the poor chap alone.

dude, once your patched back to euro files make a .bat file in your camelot root directory, open it with notepad and type login.dll inside it. save and close,
run the game using that .bat file. that skips the updater completly :)

then... when u get patched.. how do u update :)


Originally posted by hercules-df

dude, once your patched back to euro files make a .bat file in your camelot root directory, open it with notepad and type login.dll inside it. save and close,
run the game using that .bat file. that skips the updater completly :) [/B]

Can you give more details on how to do this?



Originally posted by skerit XP
So, I'm just playing a bit ... having fun, blabla

I go linkdead (thanks a lot wanadoo) I reconect my internet connection, I start camelot (SI client)

It updates my client, tells me to reopen (Strangely, it does this everytime ...)

but the weirdest follows now, I reopen, and it downloads a patch. Patch 1.64 to be exact. I already figured where I was, tried anyway. Enteres pass and all, account incorrect ...

Suddenly I am in America ...

(Or Gorre maybe, one of the 2 is possible) but neither of these is ... not-weird. How did that happen?

Do ppl not bother reading other older threads, or searching the forums for the same problem? - maybe its under the technical help... hmmm ....

ROFL ive now read the entire thread - seems im not the only one whos annoyed with this keep appearing in the general discussion.


I have the same problem, can someone insult me now pls.



Originally posted by old.Normengast
I have the same problem, can someone insult me now pls.


Read the F***ing technical forum.

There, happy now ?

;) ;) ;) ;)


Forumvillager: "I know. Let's all stick burning britney spears dolls into this guys rectum! Yei! Woo!"

And on the other side of the village...

"It is only relevant that we think of the irrelevance of the relevant irrelevance of relevant fact of life."

"Which is?"

"Fact of life?"


"A fact."

"Oh. That makes no sense."

"It shouldn't."

"Oh ok."


and geysor its the twats at mythic that should fix this thing, but they dont want to. Goa cant change anything in this game and mythic probably fully knows that their game will connect to their patch server if it cant connect to goa's one (or the one from other companies). The ip number for mythic must be somewhere hardcoded in the game as it isnt in update.dat (unless its hidden somehow).
Yes but GOA know all about it, to the extent that they have posted the work-around in the news several times, and GOA get our money, so GOA are responsible for making MYTHIC fix it.

Unless of course GOA just don't give a s**t?


Originally posted by geysor
Yes but GOA know all about it, to the extent that they have posted the work-around in the news several times, and GOA get our money, so GOA are responsible for making MYTHIC fix it.

Unless of course GOA just don't give a s**t?

or unless mythic doesnt want to fix it?:p And what could GOA do then, say we wont pay for your game anymore?:) That would mean that we cant play on these servers ;).
As I said it is somewhere in the game further down, so it might just be that fixing this thing might mean that it would require mythic to change their real game code and edit this out (which might lead to unknown bugs) and might mean that people would need to download a reasonable sized patch for a small bugg. Which the user can repair within a minute after it happening and as shown in this thread could even prevent from happening, allthough these fixes would mean that people should know when to turn these off as they by pass the updater meaning that they never actually patch even if goa is doing it;). Which means that it isnt a solution goa can give to us.
But to give people a download of 10 minutes for people with fast connection and even longer for people with slow connection or just explain people how to solve it within a minute?

This is ofc just one explanation other could be that mythic would want this to remain in their programming, because it would otherwise create buggs, because they see it is a to small problem to actually dig in, or because they want it to remain. However whatever it is goa doesnt have much ground to stand on as they are just renting the license of the game from mythic and if mythic doesnt want to change it, thats their decision and goa cant really force them to do anything else. So no goa cant make mythic fix this, if mythic doesnt want to do it tough for us and we will just have to live with it.

Btw as far as I know this problem always happens in 2 steps, first your update.dat and camelot.exe get patched to US version and then your complete game gets patched to the US version. So if your program is taking a long time with patching then patches a few files fast and then says that you need to restart the game. You might wanna check if your update.dat has been changed to mythics version of it, so that would save you from patching to US version and than having to patch again to goa's version again ;). Off course when you patch your camelot.exe back to goa's version it will also say that you would need to restart your program, as it has been changed again ;).


Originally posted by old.Normengast
Thx mate, I knew I could count on you ;)

I don't do that for just anyone ;) In fact i don't usually do it at all - i happened to still be perusing the thread as you posted :)

So all in all , you are velly welcome :)


Originally posted by etaew
then... when u get patched.. how do u update :)

u update with the real exe whenever a patch happens :)

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