Weirdest. Dream. Ever.



I dreamt I was Unnur.

Yeah, that's right, I dreamt I was one of my DAoC characters, the healer with the huge hammers. I was in Hibernia, for some reason, and I was being pestered by an annoying lucradan. Those of you who've played Hibernia know what I mean - this intensely aggravating little guy who keeps running around... well, being annoying. This one was ribbing me for my hammers, going, 'Oooh, ye think ye're hard, do ye? Go on, show us ye're hard! Go on!' and so on.

There were lots of other people around from various realms, and everyone was lying around in the grass - maybe we were all exhausted after RvRing, I dunno. Anyway. I got really fed up of the damned annoying bugger, and got up and whacked it with my biggest hammer. It flew a few metres back, but kept going, 'Ach, me father whacks me harder than that! Ye big girl's blouse!' And it kept coming back and annoying me.

So in the end I yanked a helmet off a nearby dwarf, stunned the lucradan and placed it on top of the pointy end of the helmet, then took a mighty swing. The lucradan flew for literally hundreds of metres. I could hear it in the air, sounding dazed, going, 'Oooh! NOW we're talkin'!'

The assorted onlookers perked up at this, and I realised I'd just invented golf.

Then I woke up.

So. Tell me about your DAoC dreams. Or tell me how on crack I am for dreaming something like that.


Originally posted by Nattrún
I dreamt I was Unnur.

Yeah, that's right, I dreamt I was one of my DAoC characters, the healer with the huge hammers. I was in Hibernia, for some reason, and I was being pestered by an annoying lucradan. Those of you who've played Hibernia know what I mean - this intensely aggravating little guy who keeps running around... well, being annoying. This one was ribbing me for my hammers, going, 'Oooh, ye think ye're hard, do ye? Go on, show us ye're hard! Go on!' and so on.

There were lots of other people around from various realms, and everyone was lying around in the grass - maybe we were all exhausted after RvRing, I dunno. Anyway. I got really fed up of the damned annoying bugger, and got up and whacked it with my biggest hammer. It flew a few metres back, but kept going, 'Ach, me father whacks me harder than that! Ye big girl's blouse!' And it kept coming back and annoying me.

So in the end I yanked a helmet off a nearby dwarf, stunned the lucradan and placed it on top of the pointy end of the helmet, then took a mighty swing. The lucradan flew for literally hundreds of metres. I could hear it in the air, sounding dazed, going, 'Oooh! NOW we're talkin'!'

The assorted onlookers perked up at this, and I realised I'd just invented golf.

Then I woke up.

So. Tell me about your DAoC dreams. Or tell me how on crack I am for dreaming something like that.

great laugh, thanks


It's more common than you think. Most people are just too embarrassed to share.



u play way too much daoc if u dream about it :>

Sarum TheBlack

I play too much DAoC, but haven't dreamt about it yet. :)

Still, nice story ;)


Yeah, I dream about Daoc a fair bit, but my dreams are a bit bizarre so i'll be RvRing in Emain then a pork pie will come up and talk to me or summat.....

I need more sleep I think ;)


Dreamt that I was in my house, then from the road down next to the backyard there was alot of rumble and noise. I woke up (in dream) and got my bow, climbed to the roof and started the gun down hordes of albs and hibs that were climbing the big fence into my backyard....

Maybe I should seek help...


Originally posted by Brevis
Dreamt that I was in my house, then from the road down next to the backyard there was alot of rumble and noise. I woke up (in dream) and got my bow, climbed to the roof and started the gun down hordes of albs and hibs that were climbing the big fence into my backyard....

Maybe I should seek help...


Sometimes i dream of daoc but its like naetha says...just to bizarre, cant remenber thou :)


do something other than play daoc when you are awake, please.


A sign of too much crafting:

I have had all in all fairly standard dreams (note the plural) except for the fact that everything I do in them, eat, walk, push a horse up some stairs etc. were all accompanied by a little green bar detailing my progress...


Originally posted by Simius
A sign of too much crafting:

I have had all in all fairly standard dreams (note the plural) except for the fact that everything I do in them, eat, walk, push a horse up some stairs etc. were all accompanied by a little green bar detailing my progress...

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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