Weird necro experience in keltoi



Today i wanted to get my necro lvl 20 in keltoi, so i went there and i got a grp after a bit.

This grp had a sorc who had charmed a keltoi initiate (nothing weird in that ofcourse). Later we went to ant room, and we were the only grp there so we were just pulling from the ant room stairs.

The sorc was standing, or his pet was standing, on the middle of the stairs, right next to where i´ve placed my necroservant (i just made it stay there so i could just walk around in the ant room as shade).

Now the weird part of it comes. As my necroservant was standing there casting power drain, the keltoi initiate suddently began to ATTACK my servant, and that´s double weird cause the initiate was controlled by the sorc and we were in same grp. And i first noticed this when the keltoi initiate KILLED my servant, and another weird thing is that when i respawned as the ugly inconnu i am ;) , i didn´t lose any hp.

If this isn´t weird.......i don´t know what it is :)

Exrex - 50 paladin
Blazy - 30 wizard
Zazin - 24 infiltrator
Xerxe - 20 necromancer


Originally posted by Exrex

If this isn´t weird.......i don´t know what it is :)

solo unbuffed that is reeeeeeeally weird.

/em calls up scully


I had something similar with my sorc the other day. A guildie (a neccy) and myself (sorc) were in SI, pulling some of those cute little Drakkys...

I had charmed a Drakky tank, and after a couple of pulls, my drakky decided to pick a fight with the neccys pet...

after the neccy pet took a couple of hit, we both noticed, I put the drakky on passive, and he calmed down...

very weird indeed...


Mobs want to nerf necromancers... :p

Oh and kirennia, your statement is made more accurate by replacing 'SB' by 'assassin' ;) Most assassins are buffed, no matter what realm.


I find it weird you went to Keltoi with a necro ;)

Hit ^_^

Re: Re: Weird necro experience in keltoi

Originally posted by kirennia

solo unbuffed that is reeeeeeeally weird.

/em calls up scully

there is a different between weird and things made up...

Molten Lava


This is my scary contribution to this post.

I went to emain with my sorc last night, got me a nice lvl 46 pet, walked back to ATK to find a group when all of a sudden 2 Elite ATK Guards slaughter my pet in 5 hits while the pet was still under my control. I got a screenie of it btw, but I heard it happends more, so no use in sending it to Mythic as they never fix anything anyway

Is that wierd?

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