Weet..Shrouded Isles. Death of Ze Original?



What do you think?

Will NOT buying SI kill your fun?

Will SI empty the BG's and frontiers?

Will there be any more groups left for those poor souls out there who just don't have the cash for SI?

Will SI make the other servers look like gorre, empty, a lonely place?

Will there be bunnies on easter?

Is there a dog, and if so, does it believe in god?

Speak people speak! This is your possibility to be heard!


Not much will change for people who don't buy SI, except that they'll see new races and classes running around everywhere, and occasionally they won't be able to follow their group into the new SI PvE zones.

If anything, the battlegrounds ought to get a nice boost as people take their new valewalkers, bonedancers, necromancers, etc. to them.


Ok, next question.

Ranger, elf.
44 stealth
9 blades
50 recurve bows
36 pathfinding



This is purely my opinion - so pls dont shoot me saying it, or if u do - pls let it be one shot

that spec would pretty much be sniper with too much on stealth, if u for some reason wanna take stealth to 50 ( and still be spotted ny assasin from miles away, cause of sh) there is no reason to spec it over 39 u can cap it with items easily, and as u prolly want some realm ranks, it can be much lower (and should be)

But imo sniper rangers are not that great, even after camo. I'd spec much more in weapon and would take those points from steatlh and bow, with sc here, u can get +skills easily. Blades up, stealth/bow down, and think addin some CD there aswell. you will be melee fighting those assasins often :)

But let some more experienced ranger give u better break down :) my side is only playing as SB and killing rangers (or they killing me with TS)



44 stealth is a huge waste of spec points - you gain nothing whatsoever in going over 50 (unlike other spec lines where there can be a small advantage). If you really want to go 0 melee and max stealth, stop it at 36 (+11 from items, +3 from RR4 = 50) and put the extra points into pathfinding.


I think I can categorically state, that without undue prejudice, for or against, any of the mentioned skills, or combination thereof, that in the opinion of many, but necessarily not all, for dissent is needed for true democractic processes to be followed through to their logical conclusion, that your indicated resource allocation, in the modular form portayed above, would in some circumstances be valid.




Maybe it's better to go

8 stealth
39 blades
39 piercing
39 celtic dual
27 recurve
21 path finding

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