Weeeee an event! (Exc Mid)



There was an event in Midgard exc last night that I got all involved in, so I'd thought I'd share the story with you.

A snoeshoe bandit named Ulfar Snoeshow (original huh?) was at the forge in Jordheim spamming about how his clan needed help, as they had been captured by some Isalf. He then led a group of people towards Uppland. This is where I joined.
In Svasud, he told us the story, and said that a stealther would have to sneak in, and deliver some weapons to the captured bandit leader (who I think was called Gudlor or something like that).
The highest level hunter was chosen for the task. Ulfar led us to the camp where the Isalf where keeping the captured bandits, and the hunter did her job. We then attacked the Isalf, to make sure that Gubbins (or whatever his name was) got away.
We killed the Isalf, and more popped up, and we killed them too. They were yellow-red to me, and I was one of the highest levels, but they were all grouped together so a few ae mezzes and a few thane hammers and they were pretty much all dead. lots of people died tho :( but I rezzed them so it was all ok.
Gubbins then gave out items to some of the people - the huntress who sneaked the weapons in, a thane, and he gave me 60gold to distribute around, but no-one seemed to want it, so i gave some to the lower levels, and then put the rest in the 'relic keep doors repair fund' as we don't actually have any doors at the moment. Eeep.
It was good fun! :)

Because I'm anal I picked up a few holes/bad stuff and will submit a report into rightnow so they can learn from it, but it was good! Yay!


Hmmmm, well the bandit leader did say something about the Isalf forming an alliance with the elves of Hibernia, and something about a 'Silver Sickle' and how we should defeat theis alliance before it got powerful.
But then the event ended and nothing became of it. Maybe next time? If it's part of an on-going thing then I will be a very happy bunny.


Yes I heard about that as well from Nydi (the hunter who carried the weapons). She was all happy, got a TL-bow for the time invested =) Was at the other end of midgard when it took place so, well, I am up for next time ;)


Asjerf, I think that event happened on hib\exc aswell, i remember seeing a fairy in TNN


I died with my SB :(

Had to leave just after we'd finished. I think there will probably be more to come, at least that's the impression I got :)

Here's a screenshot just before we attacked.


GoA seem to be busy with events recently.. Are they part of an ongoing storyline, or not linked in any way?
The Hib and Mid events are linked, because the faerie storyteller who came to Tir Na Nog told us a tale of Isalvs who staged a raid on a snowshoe bandit camp with Hibernian help, but one bandit got away to go for help. Sounds like you met up with him in Jordheim.

Hibernia on Excalibur and Prydwen have now had this same event, apparently: http://forums.barrysworld.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22646

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