Wee suggestion to GOA



How many of us have continued to play the original charachter we made up in DAOC, more often than all the other alts we made?

OK, granted one or 2 of us did, but we all remember the original names in our various guilds, how they spammed guild chat in the early days, eventually to be replaced by the charachter that the RL person who was playing decided to move on to.

These days with so many charachters pushed to the sidelines, by the seeming need for flavour of the month charachters in realm war, I'm having difficulty difficulty keeping up with all the new names!

After all, your online name is your identity in this RPG, and I thought it would be nice if you could in some circumstances transfer the name to a new charachter, without having to delete the old?

I was wandering if it might be possible for GOA to arrange for players who have been subscribing a long time to transfer a charachters name, perhaps on a one time basis to another newer, but destined to be played more often charachter?

What do you think?


Doubtful but interesting to say the only problem I can anticipate is the further confusion that may set in


*Raises fist* GOA don't make the game!!!! therefore they can't do anything about that!


also, your name is likely to be taken on another server by now


Originally posted by liste
also, your name is likely to be taken on another server by now
I don't think he's talking about switching server. I think he's talking about transfering the name of his original character onto a new FoTM one. On the same realm, and server.


theres a patch soon with a role play filter , turns stuff typed lol into laugh out loud, you can use this to also track names, ie if a guys is known to you as greg then set all his alts names to greg on the filter and bingo :)

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