What I'm rambling about:
OK here it is...
I'm gonna be at The Playing Fields (TPF) from about 7pm on Wednesday (6th June, 2001) for a few beers, then off for some curry with friends...
All are welcome, a few people have already confirmed... so if you know me from #barrysworld, or even if you dont , come along for a laugh and some food...
The Playing Fields:
A games/internet bar, located on Whitfield St about 2 minutes from Warren St tube (northern line, on tottenham ct rd). Out of the station, face McDonalds, turn right, take first left, TPF is on your right in about 100metres...
beer (bîr)
(a) A fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and flavored with hops.
(b) A fermented beverage brewed by traditional methods that is then dealcoholized so that the finished product contains no more than 0.5 percent alcohol.
(c) A carbonated beverage produced by a method in which the fermentation process is either circumvented or altered, resulting in a finished product having an alcohol content of no more than 0.01 percent.
2. A beverage made from extracts of roots and plants: birch beer.
3. A serving of one of these beverages.
From the Middle English ber, from Old English bor, from West Germanic, probably from Latin bibere, to drink.
cur·ry also cur·rie (kûr, kr)
n. pl. cur·ries
1. Curry powder.
2. A heavily spiced sauce or relish made with curry powder and eaten with rice, meat, fish, or other food.
3. A dish seasoned with curry powder.
tr.v. cur·ried, cur·ry·ing, cur·ries
To season (food) with curry.
From the Tamil kai.
Mail me joel@xexec.com or /msg me (RataXiS) on Quakenet IRC, or just post a followup here
OK here it is...
I'm gonna be at The Playing Fields (TPF) from about 7pm on Wednesday (6th June, 2001) for a few beers, then off for some curry with friends...
All are welcome, a few people have already confirmed... so if you know me from #barrysworld, or even if you dont , come along for a laugh and some food...
The Playing Fields:
A games/internet bar, located on Whitfield St about 2 minutes from Warren St tube (northern line, on tottenham ct rd). Out of the station, face McDonalds, turn right, take first left, TPF is on your right in about 100metres...
beer (bîr)
(a) A fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and flavored with hops.
(b) A fermented beverage brewed by traditional methods that is then dealcoholized so that the finished product contains no more than 0.5 percent alcohol.
(c) A carbonated beverage produced by a method in which the fermentation process is either circumvented or altered, resulting in a finished product having an alcohol content of no more than 0.01 percent.
2. A beverage made from extracts of roots and plants: birch beer.
3. A serving of one of these beverages.
From the Middle English ber, from Old English bor, from West Germanic, probably from Latin bibere, to drink.
cur·ry also cur·rie (kûr, kr)
n. pl. cur·ries
1. Curry powder.
2. A heavily spiced sauce or relish made with curry powder and eaten with rice, meat, fish, or other food.
3. A dish seasoned with curry powder.
tr.v. cur·ried, cur·ry·ing, cur·ries
To season (food) with curry.
From the Tamil kai.
Mail me joel@xexec.com or /msg me (RataXiS) on Quakenet IRC, or just post a followup here