


Are there any other weaponcrafters out there?

I've only met one other WC'er above 200 skill....

so where are they all?

(mibbe people realise WC'ing is a mugs game and go tailoring or AC'ing? :) )


Crafting is a mug's game... drops are far far better for less effort. As crafts go WC is the most muggy of then though. ;)


Well yeah, I have my porcelain handle growing as we speak..

Drops are naff :) come buy some nice kit from us mugs^H^H^H^HCrafters.


Originally posted by Dannyn
Crafting is a mug's game... drops are far far better for less effort. As crafts go WC is the most muggy of then though. ;)

Id actually like to point out that the higher end of player crafted stuff _IS_ much better than the drops...

It all boils down to QUALITY of the item, the quality rateing determines how effective your weapon/armour is...

It may say afXX - but times that by the QUALITY rateing to determine ACTUAL AF (im sure the calculation is more complex than that, but its a good base to start from)

If your weapon says Xdps, again times this figure by the quality rateing and that will give you a truer actual DPS.

The only advantage drops have are the stat bonuses - but when (if) spell crafting is implimented this advantage will get blown out of the water...

So does your armour/weapon drops _still_ look as appealing?


raise your wc above 1000+ and u'll get rich when the 2new materials arrive - im gonna sign up for a couple of wpns.

u can make 16.5dps 98-100% at its best.. and i think that pretty much speaks for itself :)


Yep, that is what I want :D
But my primary purpose is to give the realm the best weapons available... having the feeling of knowing that my crafted weapons are killing enemies must be good ;)


Damn, 700+ ? Makes me feel so 'noob-like' at 370...

Although we need to get the new materials to make something 'fun'... But then DF will ruin it again for 'us crafters' since a lot of drops from DF will have 100% qual...

But from what I've read on the new 1.5 patch, we'll get back on top again since we'll be able to create level 51 armor/weapons...

Which will basicly be the best in the game...

I'm gonna try and hit 450 tomorrow, hey I have no life...


Crafting ain't all bad... it's still a mugs game :) but now I've hit 460 and made enough cash to pay for my part of the guild emblem (about 120-130 gold in total)

Also there can be some fun conversations at the forge. (what else to do whilst yer waiting for the 9th axe-haft to finish)


Crafting is essentially worthless till we get the high level materials. Also when spell crafting comes in expect to see a large surge in demand.


not worthless... just not useful to lvl 40-50 players.
(some people seem to lose this distinction)

I hope noone actually tries crafting to make themselves uber...... that would be funny :)


Well, I'm going for at least 500+(dunno if I can keep it up till 700+) so I can get my guild's lower chars a steady supply of nice weapons...

I'm not doing it for the cash, I'm at 370, that costed me (power leveling only) around 100g (from 0 to 370)... Most of the cash actually was lost while getting from 300 to 370...

Now I'm only guessing that 400 to 500 is going to get costly, but my guild's higher level chars have no other use for money atm... So They'll support me (I hope :p), and I still have 340g...

But it's taking longer and longer for 1 weapon to finish(not even talking about when it fails and you loose a part)... I think from 300 to 370 took somewhat like 2 ~ 4 hours... (Dunno, was watching a movie and pressing buttons, not like you need a brain while crafting ;))

I've also had it several times when I successfully made a weapon at 375 (when I was lower then 375) and didn't gain a point in weaponcraft(or any other skill)... I can understand that with yellow/blue items, but not with orange items... OOhwell...

Is there a place I can check out to see what the best pieces are to make to get as high as possible with the least amount of time... Time is essentially the issue with me, since a good night hunting will give me enough to last a few hours of crafting (atm)....


Orange stuff ain't a guaranteed point (as you've proven) just the most likely...

For speed you probably want to skill up on yellows or blues - the fails on oranges totally outweigh the number of blues/yellows you make with no skill gain.

Oh and grr! wish I could powerskill :)
Gonna have to after 650....


I had to make around 20 mithril boned sleeves to get 4 points in Tailoring. They need 600 skill to be yellow and are the cheapest ones to get skillgains at that point (from 595 to 599). Spent around 30-40g for those points :(

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