Weaponcraft - pricing forecast



Today I checked keltors updated spreadsheet and worked out my pricing system for the new tier materials (not yet available and still off a long time, as I have to get skill up first of course), and I thought I might give all those high levels drooling for super-weapons a rough estimation of what to expect:

I will take the following markups for materials:
Fine Alloy - all 20%

Asterite - all 30%

Arcanium - 50%

This may seem high for the high level materials, but: Netherium and Arcanium are weapons for people above level 40, and I think they can afford that amount of money. Concrete examples would be:
Netherium sabre, dps 15.0 spd 3.6 price 208g 49s 40c
Arcanium sabre, dps 16.5 spd 3.6 price 312g 74s 10c

That's for the first attempt. If you want higher quality (can't promise anything above 90%), expect your wallet to be drained. I'm generally not a fan of repeated crafting for that special quality, but I understand the need for it at those high levels. No solid plans here, but you can at least expect to pay the salvaging cost plus some extra for buggering me :), should figure anywhere between 100-200g per attempt for an arcanium sabre, but that's just a rough estimate.

As I am rather far from these levels now, this is just kind of an advanced warning, and also meant as a discussion point for other crafters. I think 50% markup on those advanced materials is fair, as we have a hell of a job getting our skill up that high, plus we invest a lot of gold in it and never make profit as all goes right back into skilling further and further. Plus it takes ages, putting us far away from leveling and RvR. My current ETA on finishing Netherium is 1-2 weeks post-patch, for arcanium another 2 weeks.

Comments? Ideas? Complaints?


Is it not a minimum of 94% in the next patch?
Then later on in patches, its equal chance of getting 100% as it is 94% or 97% :D


reaslistically, how much better are these than lvl 50DM / epic mob drops?


Sounds fine to me, I'll quite happily come and pay you for an Arcanium Bastard Sword and Shield :)


I believe thats in a later patch than 1.48 bodzilla mateh


I would have to say Hendrick is spot on with his sggested pricing plan, 50% minimum markup for the 10th level material for sure, and if he manages to fluke a 99%-100% 10th level weap, OMFG he can auction it for multiple plats, would be nice that, mass auction on foum for the best weapon in all the lands eh?

Regarding how effective these weaps are, well consider in this coming patch that no armour goes above 25% bonus and the crafted weaps can be enchanted to 35%, thast 10% bonus offset to extra damage, on top of the fact that anything 97%+ in quality significantly outdamages most level 50 drops (being 91% Qual).

Next patch will make crafters rich, and rightly so for all the time and effort put in by them.


Originally posted by old.Hendrick

That's for the first attempt. If you want higher quality (can't promise anything above 90%), expect your wallet to be drained. I'm generally not a fan of repeated crafting for that special quality, but I understand the need for it at those high levels. No solid plans here, but you can at least expect to pay the salvaging cost plus some extra for buggering me :), should figure anywhere between 100-200g per attempt for an arcanium sabre, but that's just a rough estimate.

Sounds reasonable to me. I am just starting to realise how expensive crafting is going to get at higher levels, and it is rather daunting.

btw. I am a little confused about the buggering. Are clients supposed to bugger you after you make the item or before, and then is it only if it isnt >98% quality?

Should I have made provisions for buggery in my crafting, or have I missed something important?

;) :p :D :D :p ;)

Tesla Monkor

I'd be slightly miffed if I gave a crafter 400G for an arcanium weapon, he or she then churns out a 99% Q weapon, and decides to auction it off, instead of handing it to the person ordering it.. ;)


At the moment it is very rare for me to make anything close to 99-100% quality. I have had three masterpiece (100%) weapons in all my career, the best being an asterite lochaber axe.

The pestering: 50% of my customers make some "better be nice quality" remarks. While I understand that this is mostly meant as a joke, it gets a bit tedious over time :). Of course I would love to deliver high quality stuff all the time, but it is just very random at the moment. I _think_ 1.49 gives us the standard 94% quality for crafted stuff. At the moment, the standard is 90%, anything else is random (I even had 90% iron main gauches lately, that's really pissing me off as they are something around 120 skill to make). And you can be sure that I won't drain your wallet more than needed, after all it will take around 5-10 minutes to make one arcanium sabre, maybe more considering the odd failure. It is in my own interest to finish that as soon as possible :)

And as Solid said, crafted weapons are better than drops, as they can be enchanted for more bonus and also can offer better quality, which directly figures in damage calculation.


High 90%'s Arcanium stuff is extremly highly rated by players on U.S. servers, any idea how much better the crafted bows and instruments will be with the new materials compared to the best drops/crafted at the moment?


I dont even what to know what a high-level halberd will cost :)


Originally posted by Fightersuntzu
I dont even what to know what a high-level halberd will cost :)
what about a set of plate, eh-he-eh-eh-he-he...


Originally posted by SFXman

what about a set of plate, eh-he-eh-eh-he-he...

I can give you a price now :) - 1p460g for a Fluted Arcanium set.
On patch day I can make Netharium Plate suits for 431g - thats 80af, minimum 90% qual :)

I'm hoping to get to Arcanium Plate full sets within a week of patch, with Fluted being 2nd week in July due to my hols.

Good luck to all weaponsmiths, it truly is an evil craft to gain in :/


FG, you going to be working at 50% markup too on arcanium?


350g for an arcanium bardiche, best slash polearm.


Originally posted by old.Roalith
FG, you going to be working at 50% markup too on arcanium?

Not at the mo, seeing how things progress.

Im starting at 30% markup, to see how much I lose per point on average, so I may increase or decrease later on.

Armoursmiths are in a position where we can actually break even on salvaging some items, unfortunately weaponsmiths arent, and the costs of gaining are very high, so I can see Hendricks reasoning on the pricing, and support it 100%.

I want to keep my prices as low as possible, the realm benefits as a whole when the tanks are in their shiny new armour which doesnt con green - it's amazing the amount of 35+ tanks still in vindi!

Now to get fatgit back instead of this old.shite :p


Ahh, okay, just that I have the cost price of arcanium fluted down as 1p 21g 4s...

I think me you and Raen will need to bang heads together over these, so we don't undercut each other ;)

As for the skillgain/salvage thing, I can confirm that it's actually possible to MAKE money while skillling up to x50 - not too sure after that.

Of course, you need a tailor at am almost identical level working with you.

Currently, Isadien of the Templars is doing nightshade gloves. I've got 30 of his in my vault.
The get converted to asterite plate gloves, cost of 2 asterite bars and 1 strapping.

Salvaging gets you 6 bars - turn these into shelf brackets, and you get about 2g profit per piece (including the cost price of gloves).

Not a great deal, I know - but it still means you actually make money instead of losing it...

Edit: And what was it we were saying last night about Oldus Gittius? <grin>


Wow I feel special now Hendrick, getting a 99% quality rapier like that. :)


For all those people drooling about arcanium: It took me from THURSDAY evening to SUNDAY afternoon to go from 860 skill to 875 skill. :puke: And I was crafting almost non-stop, including the whole friday which I had a day off, only interrupted by the odd customer and some annoying mid invasion sunday evening.


Originally posted by old.Hendrick
For all those people drooling about arcanium: It took me from THURSDAY evening to SUNDAY afternoon to go from 860 skill to 875 skill.

Yeah but we all love you for it m8 ;)

BTW Cheers for the Greatsword, it ruled, was so good I chopped my way from 16 - 19 in about 5 hours. Need a new one now :rolleyes:


If you want to compare swords then there are a couple of dropped ones you can look at versus the crafted ones. There are a lot of OTD's which have 100% quality (black ash soulslayer is 15.2 dps and 100% quality for instance making it better than most 16.2 dps swords). We've also gotten these two off the epic mobs :



The malevolant greatsword is getting close to what you might get from a crafter but you still can't beat a 16.2 dps 98%+ quality weapon. Especially with a 35% enchanted bonus. I imagine the dropped swords will take a step up in quality with DF but until then they are stuck at 30% bonus and about 93% quality barring dragon drops (which not many people can sensibly expect to get).

You basically have to trade off about 0.8 dps and 5% bonus for the stats and proc you get on the best magical swords. It is close but I'll probably try and get both in any case :D

[edit] There is one other major bonus of magical dropped swords and that is the charges on them in addition to the normal procs. If you look at the doom sword you can "force" the proc to go off three times on it with the charges which can make all the difference in a close fight.


Originally posted by Bodzilla
Is it not a minimum of 94% in the next patch?
Then later on in patches, its equal chance of getting 100% as it is 94% or 97% :D

Not exactly...This is taken from camelotherald:

- When you are above 1000 in your main tradeskill, any item you can successfully make in that skill will now have an even chance (which translates as one in six, roughly - but remember it's random, and you can have streaks of good and bad luck) of being 94-99% quality, and a 1 in 50 chance of being 100% quality.

Edit: This is from patch 1.51 release notes :)


hey brix come get your 99% shimmering duskwood composite bow :) only priced at 650g

fyi: its costed about 20p to get the skill up to 999, and a hell lot of time + 99% are very rare, i've only made 2 so far


Originally posted by old.Hendrick
350g for an arcanium bardiche, best slash polearm.

Not bad.... :) guess i was mistaken, tho i need to save some cash up and not spend it all on keep door repairs.....*mutters something about damned mids*


I think you forgot the "for the first try"-part :) If you dont like the quality of the first try, the cost is likely to double or increase even higher.

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