We badly need high quality weapons...so..



I suggest we start to invest money in our high lvl crafters namely Kiarra and any others nearby, 100% quality is the best of the best and can make all the difference

Let me know what u think


Yeah but who gets the 100% weapons that grandmaster smiths craft? (Seeing they will cost platinum for recrafts to get near 100% or at 100%)


Personally, I won't be ordering 100 qua weapons before the "1k+ crafters can make any item as masterpiece" change comes to Euro. Too expensive otherwise.


I dunno, got one of Kiarra's ™ masterpiece 100% quality weapons in vault lol and im currently using a 99 % quality Partizan she made me on first try, so its just luck of the draw as usual.

Remember in a forthcoming patch crafters are garunteed something like a 94-100 % result on stuff which is a significant amount below their skill.

I quite agree on supporting crafters though, personally I donate any and all high level weapons, armour and any salvagible goods to her to make asterite and above out of. Its not alot but it all helps and I encourage anyone else to pass along their unwanted loot onto crafters for materials.

Lets face it, you get so much at pygmies the guilds are soon overflowing with the stuff and the money you get back for selling it is insignificant, yet its alot of asterite bars to a crafter, which means there next weapon/armour is pure profit.

And remember, when we get spellcrafting and alchemy, it only works on player crafted weapons, so your going to want the best weapons the best weapon crafter can make.


Kiarra™ Weapons, the best in Albion.


I'll buy myself a weapon as soon as the latest us patch is on our server. (thinks of the 16.5 dps weaps in combo with RR5 = uber)


Yes plenty. Mid have 5 orso skalds RR5 and novamir on hibbie is RR5.


Huma I believe is RR5

Oh and still looking for Kiarra when she is on never seems to be tho :(

Got hold of her alt Kessica but didn't wanna be rude and keep pming her so still hoping Kiarra will be on one night


Could be wrong but I believe she usually does invite people to message her when she has Kessica on instead of Kiarra™ with weapons orders. Would probably go anon if she didn't.



My alts

Hey :)

Yes Kagato, your right, if you know my alts and see them online, I will try to help and take an order or at least let you know when I plan to log Kiarra back again. But perhaps a few words on my setup:

I run 2 accounts here and have 2 PC's which are side by side. The main PC normally has my attention, and this is where Kiarra is alwasy logged, mainly because I need the big monitor to be able to place all the windows at suitable places on the screen whilst crafting and also have a fairly large chat window up.

The other PC although sits alongside, I only look at occaisionally, so if you PM the alt, ( or main), who happens to be on the PC at the time, there might be a delay before I respond.

As most of you should know now, Kessica (lvl 47 full rej cleric), is really my main character, although these days, she has slipped into the background and Kiarra is now the main.

Nimh (Nickel Metal Hydride), is basically a taxi/battery and support character for Kiarra or Kessica. She would normally be logged on the 2nd PC and run errands like getting to Excalibur for materials, or holding stuff for Kiarra. I have been levelling her up a bit lately, so she will be more use as a battery for Kessica, and perhaps stand more of a chance of surviving a sniper attack when around Excalibur. She is now lvl 36, but I am desperate to get her to 39 for PS4. So if you have a grp that has a spare slot and dont mind Nimh leeching xp whilst providing speed or power, I would be eternally grateful. (My thanks to Wou for helping me much on that front so far).

If Kiarra or Kessica are not on then look for Kerria, she is a lvl 10 scout and currently has 540 in fletchering and slowly climbing. I hope that she too will max out on crafting skills but its Kiarra that is the most important.

You might also come acros Rhiri, a level 24 armswoman. At the moment she is stagnant, holding materials; stuff that needs salvaging (thanks to the many). I have used her to PL others in the past, and would like to try a bit of BG one day.

If you happen to see Kessica and want to PM her or there again any other alts please go ahead, howver if it is Kessica, and she has the AFK flag up, its probably because I am in a group and healing, and most probably in combat. The group will come first :fluffle:, and Im afraid orders 2nd.

Anyhow, Im here to help you all, either in cleric mode, taxi mode or crafting mode :D

And the latest score ? 1025 Points are oh so slow now :(

As you know I am trying to keep prices to a minimum, but it now comes to a point where the only way of making points is to craft the big expensive weapons, Jambiya, Sabre, Partisan, etc, and the losses are ridiculous. So until these become green to make (and we can get a high quality), the prices will remain as they are. Once maxed in skills though, the prices will drop and then profits will go towards the upkeep of the relic keep doors and hopefully Kiarra will then be able to level up a bit !!

Once again, thanks to the many that have helped me to help Albion :D


Nice one Kiarra thanks alot for the response, I was looking to pay about 1-2plat for some 99-100% thrusters when u can, I know u can't at the mo but when u can would love to place an order

Anyhow I will keep trying to get you in game to make the order more official or even to check what kind of weapons u can make now and how much

Thanks anyhow you have been a great help


I did a 12 hour craft session last night and made 6 points. Thats an average of 1 point every 2 hours and now its gets worse :(

A number have actually asked what it is like at this level, so during this session, I made some notes and here are some interesting figures.

I have been making Jambiya's as thse are the most cost effective (Arcanium bars) when a Jambiya is salvaged.

The loss when salvaging a Jambiya is 40g <groan>

Current skill 1025 Yellow to make

7 makes to 1026 - Loss 280g
5 makes to 1027 - Loss 200g
7 makes to 1028 - Loss 280g
7 makes to 1029 - Loss 280g
13 makes to 1030 - Loss 480g

Blue to make

15 makes to 1031 - Loss 600g

Total Loss for the session = 2.1 Plat

So it looks as if now that when making blues the loss will be approx 600g per point. Then when they become green to make we can assume twice the cost so somewhere around 1 to 1.5 plat per point.

So How much will I need to complete the task and get them grey to make ? Allowing 99% quality with a slim chance of 100% ?

Probably around 50 Plat

The quickest way for me to raise money is to use Kessica and Nim, a high level Sorceror (45+), and perhaps a tank (45+), and just do tanglers.

I am prepared to put in the time and effort either making gold by doing tanglers and spending the many hours that are left at crafting to be able to make you all the finest weapons in Albion.

But I will need help. I am now down to 1.4 plat... Unless you are prepared to wait 6 months :uhoh:


Well fook that I am prepared to help out, and I am sure the rest are prepared to help out


Im sorry, I wasnt specifically asking you to help :eek6:, the request for help was addressed to everybody... the whole of Albion


Well I personally am prepared no matter wtf u say, and I am sure the rest of Albion would be as well I just think some people are ignorant to the benefit of 99-100% qual weapons

But anyhow PM me in game if u need me am sure if you PM people with your plight they will help you out


People see flaming shiny swords and go 'oooh want one' :)

(ok I fall for it too... and I know the crafted is that much better)

But alchemy will be here soon...

and you can get a 100% crafted Kiarra (tm) sword with SomeAlchemist (tm)'s particle effect :)

(I want twin jambiyas with funky colours :))


i will give money aswell when i can acctually afford it but atm the most i ever have in pocket is 40g

good idea about helping the crafters btw

old.Cruel Heart

Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Huma I believe is RR5

Nah he aint, not even close :p

He has 314 044 and rr5 is over 500k (cant remember the exact number anymore):rolleyes:

edit: typos


Arcmace 95% and 96%

Well i luv those 2 =) they rockos =)

With Enchant 35% bonus =)

And im rdy to sponsor also, and been doing it, as most of the guys who needs good "guns"

Now im off to test some Arcmace's

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