My first post and it will be a sign of posts to come..... or summit ......
Anyhow I would like to let you all know that Clan Inferno are recruiting. We have lots of members, but sadly not enough to be content with.
So if you are clanless then pop to http://www.claninferno.org and hit the join button. You know it makes sense!
We currently play CTF, TDM in various leagues and are hoping to set up a Freezetag team, that will specialise in raiding public servers until a league is set up for this excellent, and fun mod.
Our irc channel is #inferno
Feel free to pop by and idle..... =)
My first post and it will be a sign of posts to come..... or summit ......
Anyhow I would like to let you all know that Clan Inferno are recruiting. We have lots of members, but sadly not enough to be content with.
So if you are clanless then pop to http://www.claninferno.org and hit the join button. You know it makes sense!
We currently play CTF, TDM in various leagues and are hoping to set up a Freezetag team, that will specialise in raiding public servers until a league is set up for this excellent, and fun mod.
Our irc channel is #inferno
Feel free to pop by and idle..... =)