


Heya all,

After finally getting this working (sigh dont ask) just gonna post up a lil message, just sayin that you wont see me or " my army of alts " at all from the 26th - 16th aug as i will be away, and from then on you wont see much of me anyway, daoc has lost its, um, that thing things have when you like them, bleh someone knows what i mean, :rolleyes: anywho, its time for me to face the world :eek: first uo, then that odd game with all the funny crap graphics on it, oh yeh uo:td, and now daoc. Im going to try not to play so much and so often as i do now, and try to have a (wait for it) social life once more (save me) so byebye

oh thanks to the friends and others i have met and played with, i.e Ferus Legionis (still cant spell their guild name) for helping me get started in daoc, in particual Badjelly (named after his rat i think it was :D ) Illuminati, Sono :) quiblet, mallus for the dragon raids, light for her far too bubbly personality :clap: tylar for being so small and cute and so much of a pain in the arse when i started RvR first :) (lil bastard kept one shotting me, still does :eek6:) peanut, kiarra for the 100% qual jambi :clap: medinar (dunno if she still plays) phyleus, and the rest i have forgotten, (sowwy, if you know me you know what my memory is like)

/em wanders off in search of some :wub: ,:fluffle:
(exiled, faust, meow, jenni)



nice to see one person out of the 160 that viewed it replyed,



Just did a quick search for my name on the boards ("wot an ego" I hear you cry) and found this.

It's been fun m8 so far - I ain't going anywhere so come and see me sometime.

Have a go at Earth and Beyond if you get the chance - DaoC in space. Been having fun with the beta recently.

Anyways, beter go before I start crying.



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