watch out for these players



ok everyone these players are usually on the FFA realism server at night. they are totally destroying this game with their antics of spawn camping. i mean some of them are getting in excess of 200+ kills!!
they don't care about the things they do but because of what they are doing people are leaving these servers and not coming back.
i know of several people who have this game and because of the spawn camping that goes on they will no longer play it on-line.

the people to watch out for are:-

USELESSBASTARD (worst of the lot)
sgt. Finkelheiser
list to be updated..

of course they can very easily change their names, that's why we need some sort of program that will only let you register with one name on your pc, and once you get banned from a game then you will no longer be able to play. a bit harsh i know, but because of these people i will definately not be buying the expansion pack. i dont see why i should spend my hard earned money on something only for some little squirt using a pc mummy and daddy bought them to ruin it for me.

actually saw [KwK]BACARDI on another server tonight, TDM realism, and it just goes to show that these spawn campers are useless. instead of being the supreme player that he and everyone thinks he his on the FFA servers they ended up last in their team. a very poor score! so it just goes to show that these spawn campers have no skill whatsoever


I was just going to post the same thing. i posted another topic like this earlier. we need to have the console activated again or have a mod on line. i have just played stalingrad and USELESSBASTARD came 1st with 147 kills with me 2nd 30 kills behind, i was the only one in a handful who was not spawn killing. you seriously need to sort your site out from these spawn campers otherwise you are going to lose a passionate MOH player

Dark Angel UK


Ok, up date on the skilless spawn killing dumbass'



to be honest with you.... stay away from the ffa servers.
EA have made such an utter mess of the original game engine, we have no way of banning these assholes. The number of spawnpoints on each map quite frankly sux. no offence intended to the players who have started this thread, but the ffa servers are frequented by casual players who seem to think the high scores are indicative of skill. :(

I strongly urge you to check out the objective or roundbased servers where the clans and community frequent, Its team based gameplay is far more rewarding than no-brain spawncamping. Personally I think that the multiplayer side of MOH was intended to be team based.

As far as the ffa servers this space......


The original maps in the main are way too small for 20 players. There are just possibly three that aren't - Remagen, Destroyed Village and Snowy Park, although 16 players is probably the maximum number while still retaining some degree of playability. Stalingrad and Crossroads are an exercise in stupidity with anything more than 10 players.

I cannot understand why the admins don't run some of the best of the new maps on the public servers. Maps like Doomed City, Village of Despair, Thunder, Riverside and a lot of others have been on the Barryservers for months now and run with no problems. All those maps are also available on Barry's ftp servers as well (IIRC).

I guess to some extent it's down to "playing the numbers game" just like Jolt. ie - get as many public servers visible as possible. To that end the standard maps probably enable them to run more processes per box. However I think they'd get a far better reputation by running some of the newer maps on one or two of the servers.

There are in excess of 60 DM/TDM/RB maps on the Barryservers and around 30 OBJ maps - all new. While some of them are undoubtably flawed there are many that are quite simply superb in every respect.

There might be some who'd doubt that enough people would download the maps? Well we've just had to make our downloads section for registered users only as in the last two and a half months we have served up over 250GB of map downloads for MoHAA!

Over the course of a week we run 60+ new maps and all of the public slots are full at some point every single night. Yes we still get a few SK'ers but nowhere near the amount we get on the rare occasions that we run a standard map.

Just my 2p worth :D


Barrys FTP?

Well for MoHAA -

Note that you have to be logged in as IIRC it's behind the membership firewall.....


I think he means where can he download the maps so that he can play on servers that carry them.


also #mohaa.clanbase
Stat_bot carrys a load of the popular maps also has a zip containing quite a few


Heh - I figured that much out :D

That's why I gave him the ftp address where you can actually download most of the maps that are on the Barryservers. Some of the maps are missing from the ftp site for some reason. Don't know why - Bazerka and natrat prolly have their reasons.

Allied Assault is ever so slightly tits-up at the moment so another couple of sites to try are :

The second one is German but click on Übersicht (under Downloads on the left) and then all should become a bit clearer.


sorry to soundlike a dumb ass but what maps WILL i need and what server is these new maps available on?


Well there's an unofficial (ie I did it) list of most of the maps available on the Barryservers here

As to what server - it's my understanding that the maps are available to all Barryservers, Barry bookables and Barry publics. Several of the Barryservers already run some new maps but if you are referring to our server(s) then look for[new maps] and[new maps] on ASE or Gamespy <spit>. Sadly hs2 will no longer be with us after this weekend but hs1 should be around for a couple of months more at least.


FFA servers need a spawn protection mod, or better still a mod that kills the you if you shoot somebody within 3 secs of respawn.
One of the old Q2 mods had spawn protection (you used to glow yellow for a few secs).

Just started playing MoH AA on-line these last two weeks and I have to agree with Pacman it needs a ton of work.

All the flaws that have been ironed out of other on-line FPS are present, the writers don't seem to have learned anything.

Only 4 objective maps (and V2 is shite anyway so that leaves 3) ?
Might be excusable in pure 'Mod' game but not in a £30 retail release.

Cynical ploy to sell the forthcoming expansion pack ?


Well it's EA so cynical ploys'r'us really :D

What may surprise you even more is that in the forthcoming expansion pack two (or possibly) three of the MP maps will actually be maps created by the MoHAA mapping community and "polished up" by EA.

The thing that will kill MoHAA pretty much stone dead is if EA do not include the SDK as part of the expansion pack or at least make it available for download.

Unfortunately I am of the opinion that they will do neither. Reason? Well people like scorpiomidget have already shown that it is possible to create MP maps without the SDK that allow you to drive tanks, jeeps, APC's etc etc. In fact there's a MP map out there that is basically a tank battle with jeeps APC's and artillery along with infantry. All this without the SDK? Imagine what would be possible with it!

Is this sounding just a tad like the upcoming BF1942 to anyone? Maybe I'm just being overly cynical - remind me again who the publisher is for BF1942 ;)

Anyway for anyone who's interested we're going to request another three maps be put on the Barryservers this week : V2 vii; Traxx and Trenches......


I like the idea of a custom maps server, but they are notoriously hard to populate. Once the subs have come in and things have settled out again I'll look into it.
One rather sneaky way of promoting it is to run a custom map or two in the league, then people download it for the practice :)
Other ideas to actually get people onto the darned things are entirely welcome.

As for spawncampers...I quote from the new BW Acceptable Use Policy which all subscribers agree to.

You will violate the Terms & Conditions if you (or others using your Membership Account) do any of the following:

Disruptive play such as team killing/wounding, constant spamming or otherwise attempting to upset the balance of play.

I would consider excessive spawn killing to fall into this catagory. See, subs are great :clap:


Well the way we did it was to gradually introduce them and alternate them with "stock" maps so you'd get people who didn't even know there were new maps joining. We also broadcast a message every 10 minutes that the server ran new maps and you would be kicked if you didn't have them - obviously telling people where to get em helps ;)

We also stuck a couple of sets in (manually as the custom config system doesn't allow this even for unbranded servers) in so people using ASE would see the site for downloads before they joined.

We've now dropped both of these as we don't need them - people know they need the maps and check for new ones regularly on our site. Unfortunately several groups of leeching bastards deep-linked into our pafiledb causing a major bandwidth usage explosion which meant we had to restrict the downloads to registered users only. We did this on Monday and our userbase has grown to 300 users :eek6: The site got ~10,000 visitors/month before we restricted downloads.

Believe me - populating the server is not a problem! Having said that it is tonight - prolly cos everyone and their dog is off trying out the MP demo of BF1942.....

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