I have been Sword since i started this charcter and havent really had any complaints Partly cos i have nothing to compare damage and end use to, except now im having doubts. I still have my respec and am considering using it to go to axe ( i still want to stay slash damage) The main reason for this is, as i said, is The endurance usage for styled attacks.
Can somone please tell me preferabley some people that have respecced, if its true that Axe styles use alot less endurance than sword, and if its as Uber as everyone keeps saying to me.
I think im one of a dying breed of sword specced warriors left and im confused, scared and upset that i wasnt able to try it during the latest unlimited respec fiasco.
I thank you all in advance happy people of midgard etc etc
I have been Sword since i started this charcter and havent really had any complaints Partly cos i have nothing to compare damage and end use to, except now im having doubts. I still have my respec and am considering using it to go to axe ( i still want to stay slash damage) The main reason for this is, as i said, is The endurance usage for styled attacks.
Can somone please tell me preferabley some people that have respecced, if its true that Axe styles use alot less endurance than sword, and if its as Uber as everyone keeps saying to me.
I think im one of a dying breed of sword specced warriors left and im confused, scared and upset that i wasnt able to try it during the latest unlimited respec fiasco.
I thank you all in advance happy people of midgard etc etc