Warriors, axe users a question



I have been Sword since i started this charcter and havent really had any complaints Partly cos i have nothing to compare damage and end use to, except now im having doubts. I still have my respec and am considering using it to go to axe ( i still want to stay slash damage) The main reason for this is, as i said, is The endurance usage for styled attacks.
Can somone please tell me preferabley some people that have respecced, if its true that Axe styles use alot less endurance than sword, and if its as Uber as everyone keeps saying to me.

I think im one of a dying breed of sword specced warriors left and im confused, scared and upset that i wasnt able to try it during the latest unlimited respec fiasco.

I thank you all in advance happy people of midgard etc etc :p



Well, as I'm an axe user - but been so since day 1, I can say that I feel it's better than sword. Nothing more than a hunch, and a look at the styles at catacombs really...:eek:

Hammer is still the best way when you compare the unbelievably low end cost on the taunt style and the relatively decent bonuses...

But then again, I chose axe for the look of it :D (come on, dwarves use axes and not swords :p)


From a warrior axe user:

1) Yes END is a problem.

2) Have no idea if using HAMMER or SWORD the situation is better.

3) The only help I can give you is my STYLES:

event PARRY -> Cleave + Thyrm's Strenght (great damage low end)

event BLOCK -> Valkyrie's Shield + Midnight Sun (great damage low end)

Consider that I have parry (with all magic gizmos and rr bonuses) at 64, mastery of parrying at lvl 4 and DEX 155, so you can imagine that "events" are many and I frequently can use this combos so the END is save.

When my avatar don't parry or block I need to use Pillager and it comsumes many END, but repeat I have no idea if the hammer/sword guys have the same problems.

Hope it help in some way.


well i have a kobbie warrior, switched from sword to axe, and i think its better. And i use the blocking styles alot.


I changed from Sword to Axe, and am pleased with the result.

I have specced 50 Axe, 50 Shield, 26(-ish) Parry. The final style in Axe is FAR better than Ragnarok, and since I block alot, the axe styles are rather good there too.

If I were you, I'd swap just for the styles.


Axe styles use similar endurance cost to sword styles... you will gain no benefit there.

If your endurance usage is bothering you that much, your best bet is to spec hammers... provoke is the most endurance friendly anytime style in Mid (at the cost of dmg).

If you can live with your current endurance usage, I advise you to respec to Axe. It has the best lvl 50 weapon style IMO, and the taunt style has a 'to hit' bonus, which sword spec does not.

I respecced my warrior from hammers to axe. I hit a little harder, but really miss the provoke style when it comes to PvE...


excellent advice, i never new the weight effected the cost, makes perfect sense really.

Hmm im still thinking about it, keep trying to persuade me :)


well, i'm lvl 42 spec axe so i don't have the uber lvl 50 style.

the 3 (yes, i only really use 3 styles) that i use are:-

plague-taunt, low end and mid dmg

havoc-front position, great imo

evernight-back position, low end

havoc is good after a slam cause its a high dmg stlye.

But, don't listen to me really, i'm not a master


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
isnt end usage based on weapon weight?

No. If that were true every style would use the same amount of end, depending on what weapon you use. That is clearly not the case though.


Actually, end usage is a combination of style and weapon weight.


I do belive it is based on spd of weapon rather then waith .. this offen go hand in hand, so it might be a bit hard to prove.

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