Vukod said:Well, i post here the one im thinking about to make.
First of all, i know about the low magic resists, but as warrior we got a "20%" bonus, and plus shaman sists, i think resists are ok.
i post the H/S stats because when i swap to 2h, only changes in 10 more quick and 101 str instead of 98 when i use h/s
Hammer / Shield Stats
Str: 98
Con: 85
Dex: 91
Qui: 30
396 Hits
Body: 27 Cold: 17 Heat: 18 Energy: 12 (5) Matter: 10
Spirit: 10 Crush: 25 (5) Thrust: 24 Slash: 25
Skills: 11 Hammer, 7 Shield, 3 Parry
Toa Bonuses
10 Melee Speed
10 Style Damage
7 Melee Damage (10 with 2h)
10 Fatigue
30 Armor Fact.
And i use artis (GoV, WH, MS, Malice, SoM, Eeire stone, Ceremonial) and btw, the jewelry isnt expensive at all.
What u think about it?
Givf opinions and if u can improve will be nice also for me.
BloodOmen said:warriors magic bonus they get free are secondary resists not primary :s template stats are also quite bad ;/
Vukod said:what things ull improve? more quick? i still thinking about the template, but i got 26 str cap, and well, i know that the 20% is after the first resist reduction. I just want to get the best temp posible without being so expensive
Edited: Btw, i was suposed to be defensive warrior.
BloodOmen said:well if your truely going defensive cap ur magics or atleast get them 22%+ or so bit more con wouldnt hurt either use eirenes instead of gov (proc is very nice on it when casters are on you and it goes off + 1 extra arrogance) just what i'd do tho personal pref really... i wouldn't bother with silly high dex because people always hit you regardless now wether tis strafe.... stunned etc.. i'd rather have more con than more dex 70-80 dex should be fine
Vukod said:And what u think about shield spec? worth get it to +11 or with +5 with 85 dex, being a kobold is enough?
If yes, i think i got another temp, with 101 str, 95 con, 85 dex, 55 quick, 400 hits, 40 AF and better resists
Using eirenes too, hehe
BloodOmen said:fully group template? or solo?
Vukod said:the idea is to play in grp as defensive for casters or healers, but, i also like solo play, so, can be used too as solo. Better get more shield for solo runs?
in that template i use the follow artis: Eirenes hauberk, winged helm (i found nice also in grp as solo for the dmg reduction) scalars, malice, eeire stone of darkness, shades of mist (nice as solo and can be used nice in grps) oglidarsh belt (as som, usefull in both) and ceremonial bracer (imo a must in warriors temp after the new abilities who dispell mezz in pbaoe)
Meradesh said:Phoebus+WH+SoM+(MS or DS) = 12'5/15 minuts melee virtual inmunity, 20% second tier resists + high aom + fury + EM = virtual inmunity to magic and leggendary weapons, to be a defensive group tank and to solo you just need this, but leave your gimped warrior and come back with your shade, I just finished my ranger's template!
Manisch Depressiv said:0 matter? No 48 VE Vamps with matter legendaries? Or earth wizzies? Isn't Sorc's AoE mezz energy, what about Eld's snare?
Vukod said:isnt 0 to matter, is 10 vampiirs aint a problem because they got no pow coz my block / parry rate, sorcs AOE mezz is body, and Elds, im not sure, but think its cold dmg, not sure about
Manisch Depressiv said:I assumed that you might get trained in a FG fight by a vamp with a legendary matter weapon. I know that that hurts.
Sorc AoE mezz should be energy, single target mezz and nukes body. I can't check in game right now...