Warning to those who have changed their emails recently (at least in last month)



I have just received 1 of my passwords RARR!
Unfortunately the idiots at GOA have sent it to my original email address and not the one that i changed it to last month, it's just lucky that bt hasn't fully closed that email account yet and i checked it on an off-chance, c'mon GOA get your act together, 1 whole month ago i updated my email address with you and still im receiving emails to the old one :(

oh and btw .... MY NEW PASSWORD DOESN'T WORK ON ANY OF MY ACOUNTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol, I'm so screwed.

How the hell am I gonna get my password off them now? This is ridiculous.


I do remember trying to change my email addy on the subs page to my new one, however whenever I contact rightnow it always displays my old email addy , just have to wait it out :\


LOL, just received 3 emails to my old address in quick succession, then got the same emails but sent to the 3 other addresses i'd changed it too, there is truly something screwey going on at GOA HQ tonight, maybe the monkehs are having a tea party


<- same

oh well on the bright side maybe the rvr expansion will be out by the time we get our passes back


I quit my old ISP about a month ago and then changed both account's mails to different one and few hours ago I got mail from GOA to that new mail. No sign from the other account yet tho. Guess they send the passes in the order ppl have registered their accounts. I did mine at the day of release.


i've changed my account email this month and i got the password


ive 4gotten the password 2 meh old email addy... :eek:


Well i recently moved from 56k (BT) to 1mbit ADSL, and obviously i changed emails and i cannot access the old email account due to the old account being closed and for me not changing the information. I dont find that is "my" problem it would of been a bit better if they actually warned us all before so we could re-look into our info files to insure we have the correct information in there.

Oh well -£16 they have lost from my part.


maybe they rolled the sub pages back with tape restore?


Day after notice : Game password being changed.


By now, you have probably noticed unusual things on Dark Age of Camelot :

No-one is attending to any of the servers as we have gone for a all night'er "boozing".
Subscription pages will no longer be looked after as we dont care about our customers anymore.
We have changed all your passwords so we can pinch all your characters and sell them on ebay.
Since the 18th of August, Dark Age of Camelot Europe has been the victim of computer crime, like many other well known online services.

GOA's technical team couldnt be arsed to implemented a series of preventive measures, therefore we resulted to the shutdown of our customer service tool, Rightnow !, and of the subscription system.

We have also lodged a complaint with the competent authorities.

As a cautionary measure, we have decided to change your "game" passwords without briefing our customers as we was bored and needed a laugh. The game servers should thus be stopped for a maximum of 5 weeks. The procedure of sending the mails should take about 24 hours but dont expect them as that is just a minimal duration, expect more like 4 months, so do not worry if you do not receive your email right away check ebay we have put good price tags on your accounts.

In the days to come we are going to change of all "subscription" passwords yet again to screw you over some more. Services shutdowns are thus planned in order to make our money back as we have lost that many subscribers we need to save cash somewhere.

We will keep you informed during the few months of the precise planning for the restart of the different services, and we are doing everything possible to ensure we fuck you over once again.

The DAoC Team

Repent Reloaded

Originally posted by Stormm
<- same

oh well on the bright side maybe the rvr expansion will be out by the time we get our passes back

lol dude, dont expect the RvR expansion till mid 2004. the next pack is the house add on, not RvR lol /slap

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