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O old.Conqueror Guest Jul 27, 2002 Thread starter #4 Part 2: %))) Or many others fromHere
O old.Fangrim Guest Jul 28, 2002 Thread starter #6 Old American War Rallies Well, these are very much like the WWII spots shown in American (and some European) countries to rally up the people to support the war. I find them very funny
Old American War Rallies Well, these are very much like the WWII spots shown in American (and some European) countries to rally up the people to support the war. I find them very funny
O Olgark Guest Jul 29, 2002 Thread starter #9 They are great . I love the style. Its like the old advert from WWII that you use to see in the pictures on a saturday afternoon. Disclaimer : I am not that old just seen old footage of that era.
They are great . I love the style. Its like the old advert from WWII that you use to see in the pictures on a saturday afternoon. Disclaimer : I am not that old just seen old footage of that era.
T Thorarin Guest Jul 30, 2002 Thread starter #12 Gah, just my luck... server is down atm