warhammer preview


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Nice prewiew there - and lets hope Mythic will be able to deliver all they say they want to do, will be a great game if they manage that :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Anyone get the distinct feeling that this reads more liek DAoC MKII, housing wont make launch, crafting, making seige more realistic (cant carry a battle ram in rl etc)...

Or is it that they are making all the stuff thats wrong in DAoC right.

Also, looking at the SS, I think theres going to be some happy PC companies out there rubbing their hands for all the new hardware needed for this, as well as Mr Gates clammy mits egging your hard earned cash towards him as we (well some of you anyway) purchase his new OS and Intel toys...

Anyone starting a betting pool for the Dark Age of Shutdown date?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
Anyone get the distinct feeling that this reads more liek DAoC MKII, housing wont make launch, crafting, making seige more realistic (cant carry a battle ram in rl etc)...

Or is it that they are making all the stuff thats wrong in DAoC right.

Also, looking at the SS, I think theres going to be some happy PC companies out there rubbing their hands for all the new hardware needed for this, as well as Mr Gates clammy mits egging your hard earned cash towards him as we (well some of you anyway) purchase his new OS and Intel toys...

Anyone starting a betting pool for the Dark Age of Shutdown date?

Ofc they will use their experience from DAoC when making WAR, but apart from both being RvR games and mmorpgs (with all that means) i dont see that many similarities.

But yes, it will likely require some hefty computer hardware to play smoothly, but then again its at least a year away from release, probably more like 1.5 years (maybe beta at end of 2006 if all goes well, according to the prewiew). And they said they were thinking of having it support DirectX10 and Windows Vista, not having it as a requirement, as i understood it. Personaly i hope i can hold off having to upgrade to Vista for a long long time as it will be riddled with MDR, copy protections technology, spyware, and "Trusted Computing techonologies". In short its gonna fuck up your computer royally if you want to use it for anything not explicitly endorsed by micrsoft and their "partners" (the bigtime media industry).


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Frozensolid said:
Graphics look a bit too much WoWish to me :<

Thats my thoughts too, one thing I liked about DAOC was the realism factor <shrugs> thought I was alone. I hated the WoW cartoon feeling.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Tears said:
Thats my thoughts too, one thing I liked about DAOC was the realism factor <shrugs> thought I was alone. I hated the WoW cartoon feeling.
daoc isnt really realism factor either tho :p, ./points at cata/dr armour
so its all the same to me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Frozensolid said:
Graphics look a bit too much WoWish to me :<

Wow looks a bit Warhammerish, to be honest.

After all, that came a couple of decades earlier.



Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
wow looks allot like warhammer..

anyway game looks cool im definitly gonne try it, though i prolly leave at the first expansion:p

expansion note: 1.2.3 :

New race: skaven, class: warlock: has instant chambers and can pull world upside down and kill everyone instant!!! mowhahahahha..



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Frozensolid said:
Graphics look a bit too much WoWish to me :<

Cause WoW copied warhammer :)

Warhammer was started in 1983 (i think) and created what orcs, dwarfs looked like with some help from Tolkiens descriptions. Warcraft first came on the scene in the 90's and copied warhammer.

I really hope this game becomes what warhammer was all about and if it does it should be a nice game. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2005
Im so looking forward to this. Man i spend alota time in my early years playing Warhammer: Fantsy with my friends. Was good fun..(might explain why i sucked at sports :p)

Any yes, as people say, WoW grafics IS warhammer. If you take the time to go to your local bookstore most of em has some sort of Warhammer books, look at the images in them.

Im kinda feeling like taking a good sleep for a year or so. Wake up, go buy WAR, take a loan and buy state-of-the-art computer, dump my girlfriend and change my phone number... play WAR :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Keata said:
Im kinda feeling like taking a good sleep for a year or so. Wake up, go buy WAR, take a loan and buy state-of-the-art computer, dump my girlfriend and change my phone number... play WAR :D

Dont think you will have to worry about dumping her if you do the other stuff ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2005
Hehe, nah she might leave me after the first cupple of days of sleep :p

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