Warhammer Online sneak peek


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
the screenshots look so much like WoW graphics...hope it won't be like that :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Hmmm looks alot like Wow :mad:
hope the game system istent the same :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Oh btw, here is a (nice) response of Mark from Mythic:


Nice surprise eh? The PC Gamer story is the main reason I've been so secretive here and why Mythic has revealed so little information about the game until now. Once we found out we were going to get the cover, we keep out big mouths shut (and lord knows that is not easy for me) until the issue hit the stands. It was a bit of a rush to get the story done and other than a couple minor mistakes, they did a really good job on it. I like the PC Gamer folks a lot (and not just because they gave us the cover) and the stand that they have taken against gold farming and companies that participate in it, is one I applaud most heartily. Luckily for us, the troll was too stupid to know that it was being insulted and the the golbins around our area were too small to do anything about it.

So, some quick notes:

1) Sanya is indeed "THE SANYA, THE GATEKEEPER, SHE OF ALL POWER ON THE INTERNET BEFORE WHOM ALL MUST MAKE OBEISIANCE" and I'm sure you will hear a lot more from her and her people over the coming years.

2) As I promised and warned everyone, WAR != DAoC2 != DAoC. It is it's own beast and what you have read in the article is only part of the story.

3) Server resets only mean that certain parts of the server are reset. No character resets or anything like that. It will work and it will work well I believe. Capturing and sacking a city is not only part of WH lore but it fits well into a game setting. It cannot be easy for a whole host of reasons and it must take place over days. If it was something that could be done easily by a group (even a large group), then server population imbalances, time-zone issues and other such stuff would render such things as those meaningless. By making it more of a campaign, those sorts of things will have less effect on an individual basis. For the core RvR gamer, the idea of being able to sack another side's city (and come away with loot) is something that we have all been waiting for in these types of games.

4) Scenarios are not WoW's BGs (or our BGs for that mater). We need to do a better job than anyone has done to date and we are well down that path.

5) The graphics are not WoW's at all. Keep in mind that the area that PC Gamer was able to see did not lend itself to the kind of darkness or imagination that other areas will. Running around a mountainous area that has been overrun by Greenskins doesn't lend itself to a lot of diversity. Where the differences will really become apparent are in the character customization and in areas like the Elven lands. Keep in mind that the game changes weekly and after their most recent GW visit, the guys were shocked at how much things changed in only a few weeks.

6) I think you guys are spot on when you see it looks like a cross between 5th and 6th edition and the WFB miniatures. That's the look we are going for. We don't want to be as dark as the 6th edition in all areas, nor do we want to be as light as 5th edition (which is a long that WoW is a lot closer to). We wanted our own look for the game and we think we have nailed it so far. As I promised from the beginning we were going to disappoint some people who wanted us to be ultra-dark and some others who wanted us to be a lot lighter (like 5th). We think we have a great look for the game and if we can do with the Elves what we did with the Orcs, I'll be really, really happy.

Well, that's it for now.


Seems like we will get a lot more info now the Pc Gamer issue is released :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Thegreatest said:
the screenshots look so much like WoW graphics...hope it won't be like that :twak:
nerf people that post @ same time :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Thegreatest said:
the screenshots look so much like WoW graphics...hope it won't be like that :twak:

Well, WoW, in fairness looks like warhammer, not the other way around.

If you look at the artwork and miniatures from warhammer from the early 90's onwards (back when I was a lad and used to play it) you'll see that wow has been heavily influenced by warhammer, not the other way around. The guys who designed the miniatures at citadel had a quirky sense of style when it came to sculpting, the tolkienesque style that was dominant in other rpg's/miniature ranges went out the window and was replaced with a peculiar british flavour that really made citadel stand out from the crowd.
The orcs looks spot on as do the dwarves.
At the end of the day it's warhammer online, not DAOC 2, its gotta look like the warhammer that people know and love. If its gonna be a success and take on WoW, its gotta take the bulk of its playerbase from the thousands of warhammer amd ex-warhammer players around the world, not from daoc players.

"A Human Warrior, for example, may rise through the ranks of being a soldier, a rifleman, mercenary, knight, and ranger - sometimes mixing and matching facets of each if desired"

Actually that sounds good, I like the idea of character skill progression being more open ended than what we have currently in daoc, the problem with daoc is that each expansion gives us a new (often more than one) OP'ed class that becomes terribly fotm and those players rake in the rp's faster than the older classes could ever hope to, something that reached it's sickening crescendo with the warlock.
If character progression is based more on abilities open to all, everyone has the chance to create and develop a character that can perform and compete and not have to reroll and leave behind a beloved character because the evolution of the game has left them behind.

"The four elements of RvR noted in the article are actually designed to be much more integrated than the author of the article lets on – Battlefields and Skirmish play take place in a shared RvR space, and Scenarios are adjacent to those areas as well. Dominance in these aspects of play combines to drive the greater Campaign, which moves the fighting through the world to keep things interesting, and can culminate – if the attacking force is skilled and persistent – in the sacking of an enemy city."

Now that sounds like something to look forward to.
If I can play a skaven gutter-runner or an elven waywatcher I'll be a happy man.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Chaos should be a laugh

The higher level you are, the more mutated your toon gets etc :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Bubble said:
Chaos should be a laugh

The higher level you are, the more mutated your toon gets etc :)

admit it
you just want a pair of Slaanesh titties and a crab claw to maul them with


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Hope that won't be release gfx, loox well WoWish to me :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2005
It sounds awsome, also the dev's diary from www.warhammeronline.com sounds quite interesting.

W.A.R is defenetly one of the games im REALLY looking forward to. Hope alot of the DAoC players will move there so we dont get all the WoW kids.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2005
xxManiacxx said:
That graphic put me off alot... Don´t want WoW 2 here :(

Which grafics? You havent seen the screenshots yet, only images that we have been shown is concept art. Doesnt mean that the ingame grafics will be like that. Mythic would make a big mistake by making the grafics too WoW'ish, they know that people dont want that.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Aiteal said:
admit it
you just want a pair of Slaanesh titties and a crab claw to maul them with

Oh yeah
And a nice Tenticle or 2 :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Moaning at gfx while they are in Pre Alfa is a bit out of order imo; also if u check in the videos section @ warhammeronline.com u can see a complete rendered Plaguebearer that's clearely not Wowish; i think that they put some low level models in the test world to start with.
Imo they are in the right way and in great timing for the much awaited Q2 2007 release instead ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
wow, thanks a lot for the link! Got rep from me, though its a clear offtopic in daoc forums :)

It looks very interesting, I must say. Still a bit cautious, but these news has upped my expectations from WO. We still gonna see how this will shape out, but looks like I know my next MMORPG. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
Keata said:
Which grafics? You havent seen the screenshots yet, only images that we have been shown is concept art. Doesnt mean that the ingame grafics will be like that. Mythic would make a big mistake by making the grafics too WoW'ish, they know that people dont want that.

actually those screenshots are what is actually running with the ingame engine now, but they keep saying that it is changing all the time. Those arnt just random renders or concept art.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
would say it looks alot like Dawn of War, not much of a surprise there though ;)

the screens looks pretty good actually, not as cartoony as WoW and not as wannabe-realistic as Everquest2.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
looks cool :)

just hope RvR will be fun tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Cylian said:
the screens looks pretty good actually, not as cartoony as WoW and not as wannabe-realistic as Everquest2.

Not realistic or not cartoony,what do you people want then? cel-shading or maybe everything drawn on anime style? or maybe just black and white colors.


Lol when i was a nipper i used to play with those little metal toys :O

dawn of war brought back so many memories of tape measures and hanging out in the trocadero in london.

hope this is good aswell

shit im sad. :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
we cant cry over gfx atm, couse they arent fully done yet.

i have seen a few pics of doacs pre beta.... that was totally diferent from teh beta version


Dec 26, 2003
Dont like the sound of the rvr tho - sounds like its heading the way that made me leave WoW... still - early days yet.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
I have to say its piss poor the way Mark describes daoc as a test game...made me feel like all my assumptions of mythic fuckin up daoc are true to the letter...its just a test game. And it came from the horses mouth. Pisses me off anyway.

Mebbe I'll go play Sims...At least EA are serious.


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