Faeldawn said:http://wardens.olgg.org/forum/index.php
However the forum is inactive atm, mainly due (afaik) to wardens rerolling and general loss of interest in the class by players and Mythic..
Faeldawn said:You'll find..
...much more active, mainly bard/druid stuff, but still a lot of warden ToA templates floating around here.
Faeldawn said:However the forum is inactive atm, mainly due (afaik) to wardens rerolling and general loss of interest in the class by players and Mythic.
yup thats the onelekkus said:not true but it moved while you where afk, rerolling or general lost interest I guessto http://pub7.ezboard.com/bnatureswall . Board where the new TL warden still post and not anymore at..
mainly because of the 9999+ threads/ whines about how to make wardens active /viable again in rvr. TOA and nice 'modding' at the first link.
Aeicaan said:t.t
i've never had more fun playing my warden then now with toa
Mr Kitty said:I’ve been playing my warden for a few months now (on and off), and I’m really starting to like the class.
Although the fact I’ve mostly played casters up to then probably influences my opinion a little, I still don’t see why so many people seems to have a negative opinion of them. Damn easy to solo, not much downtime, generally useful in tank groups (don’t hit particularly hard, granted!), and easy to escape and live to tell the tale when things go pear shaped.
Now all I need is ToA to arrive so I try out all these funky new toys.
have you played a warden to 50?Mastade said:Natures wall is full of crap.. wardens wont be as nerfed as they all fear
http://www.duskwave.com/daoc/classrank.php?class=Warden&server=Excalibur&realm=&order=rpplomien said:have you played a warden to 50?
or for that matter played a warden rvr.
takes foot out of mouth, replaces it with other :worthy:Ensceptificamuralya said:Mastade is 2nd highest RR ranked warden on Excalibur fyi.
anyway this is taking this off topic i will stand by my warden and love playing her i just hope that the ML that i am working on works how i want it to.from warden tl report said:Our two primary active abilities, melee and healing, are mutually exclusive of each other. Unlike the other hybrids there is no leveraging of the two and Wardens must choose to heal *OR* fight. This tends to cause wardens to give up one line in a vain attempt to max the other for minimal gain. Wardens and Friars are the only Hybrids that suffer from this.
Bard: Mez/DD in combat
Valewalker: DOT/Snare in combat
Champion: DD/Debuff/Snare in combat
Minstrel: DD/Stun in combat
Reaver: Lifetap/DOT in combat
Thane: DD/PBAE in combat
Skald: Snare/DD/Mez in combat