warden spec



Hey, my warden is closing in on level 50 and I would like some input on her specs ;)

My plan is to go
49 nurture
16 regrowth

32 parry
25 blades


34 blades
22 parry

IS it worth going with high parry? A lot of people are telling me its useless but my rvr experience with the warden (which is not very much but still some) tells me that I parried quite a number of blows.

Should I go higher regrowth than for the good rez?

And - what realm abilities should I go for? They all seem pretty poor imo ;)


Don't go high parry, it is not worth it.
I have 4 parry and still parry a lot.

If you want to be a battle warden, go 39 blades, then you get a slow style. With that style people attack slower, so hit pbt more, so you get also a lot less damage. While at the same time you do more damage.

And if you fight in a group vs group, you will rarely face melee atacks from the frontside.

Should I go higher regrowth than for the good rez?

I went to 20 regr for the spec heal, but isn't that needed.

My spec is: 49 nurt, 39 blades, 20 regr, 4 parry. I like it :)


If you're playing a Warden you should be playing as a support class and thus go for 49 nurture, 42 regrowth. If you don't play a Warden with a support mindset you'll just end up like the other thousands of combat wardens complaining they can't own in melee, which is like, well, duh?

High regrowth is the best way to spec a Warden if you want to RvR, if you aren't planning on RvR it doesn't matter so much. Mythic even said themselves in the last Warden TL report that they want to push Wardens towards the secondary healer role as opposed to a tank role.


Originally posted by Falcon
If you're playing a Warden you should be playing as a support class and thus go for 49 nurture, 42 regrowth.

I'm sorry, but 'should'!?! That's it? There is no other way to play a warden? Isn't that just a little bit, well, prescriptive? I'm having a similar discussion within my guild as to how best to spec my warden for RvR, and whilst a guildie has suggested a similar spec to the one above, to say that that is the one & only way to play seems a bit foolish. What price a bit of individuality, or are we all to fall before the might of the cookie cutter?


Originally posted by Falcon
If you don't play a Warden with a support mindset you'll just end up like the other thousands of combat wardens complaining they can't own in melee, which is like, well, duh?

How about quoting the rest and you get your answer


Any warden is still a support warden. He plays pbt and has resists like a 42 reg warden because 45 nurture is almost a pre condition. Only choices you have in Nurture are really 49 last resists, 47 for haste sacrificing 8% resist in spirit and energy or 45 for 6s pbt. He also supports his group if played correctly by removing opposing healers, nukers or ccers from inflicting more woes. With the volume of mid 3 healer+shammie groups, there's generally 2 of them free most of the time, even with druid pet. A 42 reg warden can not outheal savage assist and imho a warden is far far more use on one of those free healers.

42 reg wardens are fine, but don't think that they are the be all and end all of warden spec. Find me a warden that can heal when attacked. It's all about options. If you have 42 regrowth you will probably heal 90% of time. If you have 2-26 regrowth then you can do some healing. If mythic flesh out regrowth then we'll all probably move to regrowth, but right now its possibly the worst line in the game. Speccing to 33 reg to get a 383 point heal is bizarre.

As for mythic pushing regrowth, sums it all up, class is in need of aid, too passive and every patch since 1.51 has been a succession of indirect or direct nerfs. SC, FA2 in combat, PA, Volley, RF, haste bugs, en bugs, hot bug, RA's, epic armour imbue/salvage and other stuffs.

Personally I heal to get attacked, that way when on me I support my group cos they aren't on the druid or bard and I have better defence.

TBH prolly hit RR8 before getting SC, as Tuo really just a fill-in anyway. Hero and druid far more fun.

The problem with wardens is the +style damage, low weaponskill and the lack of real progression in damage when speccing weapon high. I recently went from 44 blades to 39 blunt and I do more damage.

Speccing weapon has limited benefits right now for Wardens bar attack speed reducers.

Bah, anyway this argument is like oooooolllllllllllld. :)


The ultimate wardon spec, once and for all: 49 nurt, 33 regr, 21 weap and 20 parry.

Thats the spec i use with Leleith atm. Works very well, and im very happy with it. Heals for much when left alone and blocks/parries/gets saved by pbt over and over again when attacked. V nice support-spec imo.

If u dont want that high nurt, then stop at like 45. Dont go go for something like the last attack speed buff or something like that. Either stop at last pbt (45) or maybe even last dmg add (46) or go all the way to 49 imo.
I was speced like 46 nurt, 26 reg, 33 weap and rest parry b4... I hardly see any difference in damage from weap at all with my current spec. Its not like i can take down a healer solo as warden in rvr anyways. All i can do is keeping him from healing. Healing as a warden is a problem, as we have to use slow castable heals. We have no instas or such. Therefor, i prefer to have heals that heals for much when i cast it. Rather than casting one that heals for 200, over and over.

Edit: U get 0 specpoints left over with my spec *hint* ;)


Originally posted by hiban
The ultimate wardon spec, once and for all: 49 nurt, 33 regr, 21 weap and 20 parry.

I have that spec and I agree.

I agree with Falcon that a waren is best specced regrowth. For several reasons;

Since PBT has become almost obsolete in todays RvR, the only thing a 'battle warden' brings to his group is interrupting healers/casters. He will not be able to put them down esp. if they have good support.
So why not get a hero instead of a warden other than the resists? He can actually kill whilst interrupting ;)

More importantly, why not get a regrowth warden instead a battle warden?

80damage/swing <-> 421/heal (1xx/groupheal) (at 33regrowth)

There's also the important issue of staying alive. If you charge in and get caught by CC then ur PBT gets cancelled. Boom, one of two things u bring to the group gone. (in the rare occassions it helps)

To conclude, I believe Warden is a Healer with some defense. Not a tank with some spells. You are there to help the actual tanks.


Well, my warden spec WILL be: nurture 47, regrowth 22, blades 39 rest to parry. 0 spec points left.

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