WAR never been so much fun.. war (cannaon fodder theme tune)



anway just thought taht i would start a quick pool to see how out of all of you would like to see USA and england go to war (again) with Iraq..

I don't
what say you

(edit) not even with all the aledged evidence the American president and ol' brown nose blair (english prime minister) have towards teh war.... has anyone seen the evidence that al-quhead was behind the twin towers attack!!?!!? (/edit)


neither american nor english so I really dont give a rats ass, but for the sake of all the lives that´s gonna get wasted


wasting mids/hibs/albs is fun, wasting americans/englishmen are not


No because it would probably end up in one of the fucktards causing a nuclear war, not fun. It will finish when someone has the bigger gun.


damn, thought this was going to be a lighthearted thread on how much Cannon Fodder rocked :(

oh and 'no'

Orin Askhammare

A no from me too.

Not meaning to hijack but the name cannon fodder has a distinct "that was fun!" thing to it. I think it was a game but I can't remember the details...

edit: Google to the rescue


was a wacky little game (guess it was RTS?) where you had a squad of soldiers that you led through the jungle, and ended up with them all getting machinegunned...

can't quite remember how it worked exactly...

and it had a superb theme tune...


Top down and you could see their little heads bobbing around .. my brother used to play it ... must have been ages ago. ...

Looked fun :p


it's awesome! :clap: :clap: :clap:
(Cannon Fodder that is!)

also, no


Starting a war is the 2nd worst thing in the world.

The worst is losing one.

I suppose the question at the Pentagon is that if they can start one now and win it then they can avoid a situation later, when Iraq, better armed, invades one of its neighbours as they may not be able to deploy against them with out Very high casualties and possibly the use of Nuclear weapons on either side.

With its own nuclear deterent Iraq may feel the US would not risk intervening in another Kuwait invasion or an attack on Saudi Arabia.

Iraq is not a terrorist threat as such but a medium term threat against US interests (middle east security) and really is a proven aggressive nation state invading Kuwait and Iran under Hussein's rule (a fact that makes it different from other nascent nuclear states such as N.Korea).

I think that if we could determine the facts ourselves (Unlikely) we should ask the question, not has the Iraqi government got these weapons but how likely are they to use them against their neighbours?

As it stands, I have seen no evidence to suggest that Hussein would likely to use the weapons and thus end his own "Career" in a most definite fashion and as such I give a limited NO .

... Damn that all sounds quite serious! Wish people wouldnt bring RL into DAoC its like being at work! :p


Yeah I think it's a great idea!!

Better do it now, than later.

Cos we will don't worry.

And if you think it's just Iraq, you're kidding yourself.

The world is a smoldering cesspit of hatred, injustice and prejudice. The only way to sort it out is a pre-emptive strike by the powerful nations before the weak one's get strong enough to do something about it.

I'd like to point out that the above views were the conclusion of the UN's leading pacifist think tank.

Kill them all and let God sort them out!!!!


And just why has Saddam Hussein done an about face and allowed UN weapons inspectors to go back to Iraq?

Keep this thread going .. buried within are some interesting comments. I would like to see more of them.


WAR, nevah been so much fun.
WAR, nevah been so much fun.
Go up to your brother, shoot him with your gun...


Ok, where's my Amiga got to?

/kiss bye-bye to DAoC for a few days :)

Anyone manage to complete the 2nd one?

DAMN! fun game :)


/em is now trying NOT to sing the little catchy song out loud...



A most emphatic NO.

I'm sick of the United Kingdom being America's little bitch. They call, we roll over and take it. I only hope that Parliament gets recalled and then they veto any action that the "Allies" take.

If you want a real threat to international security, take a look at ole Dubyah himself. Here is a man that is saying, "My country is the greatest nation on earth, and you must all conform to my standards". He is a dangerous man to have in power at this time. His dismissal of the return of UN weapons inspectors to Iraq as a "ploy" is both worrying and arrogant.

I am not saying that Saddam Hussein does not have such weapons, nor am I saying that he will not use them if he does. What I AM saying is that the US seems hell-bent on escalating anything that they feel threatens them into a full scale conflict. The fact that, in the past thirty-odd years, they have probably sold to Iraq some of the equipment that they needed to create these weapons seems to have been ignored.

There was once a very funny man called Bill Hicks (RIP), and he had a very good angle on the world. Those of you that know his work will know what I'm talking about.

My 2c worth, and the flames be damned.


Originally posted by Breni
A most emphatic NO.

I'm sick of the United Kingdom being America's little bitch. They call, we roll over and take it. I only hope that Parliament gets recalled and then they veto any action that the "Allies" take.

If you want a real threat to international security, take a look at ole Dubyah himself. Here is a man that is saying, "My country is the greatest nation on earth, and you must all conform to my standards". He is a dangerous man to have in power at this time. His dismissal of the return of UN weapons inspectors to Iraq as a "ploy" is both worrying and arrogant.

I am not saying that Saddam Hussein does not have such weapons, nor am I saying that he will not use them if he does. What I AM saying is that the US seems hell-bent on escalating anything that they feel threatens them into a full scale conflict. The fact that, in the past thirty-odd years, they have probably sold to Iraq some of the equipment that they needed to create these weapons seems to have been ignored.

There was once a very funny man called Bill Hicks (RIP), and he had a very good angle on the world. Those of you that know his work will know what I'm talking about.

My 2c worth, and the flames be damned.

hehe nice closing sentence for someone against the UK becoming too drawn into the US' shadow :)


Originally posted by vidx

hehe nice closing sentence for someone against the UK becoming too drawn into the US' shadow :)

I'm not bothered about the US' shadow, I could live with that. It's cooler in the shade.

I'm talking about us bending over and taking whatever the US gives. We always, always do whatever they ask. Our "leaders" never stand up for themselves in the international arena. Take a look at the news clip from when Blair was in Camp David with that pillock Bush: he let himself be led to and from the microphones. Tell me he's not GWB's pet Prime Minister!

Bush himself has made a complete media arse of himself far too often to be taken seriously, IMO, and Co-lin (can't say Colin, eh?) Powell contradicted himself in his address to the United Nations. I can't remember the words, before anyone asks, but I recall thinking "What a pile of shite" as he uttered the contradiction.

I guess I just have strong views, and hate the idea of the UK being reduced to a mound of cinders and ash because our government didn't stop and think for themselves for once.

As an aside, I don't hate Americans - I have some fine American friends. I just dislike the way their Administration and Executive branches of government have decided how they want the world to be, and are setting about making it so.

Once again, the flames be damned. I'm entitled to my opinion, and anyone that says otherwise is oppressing me! (Come and see the violence inheriting the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!)

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