im looking for a respec stone ... I have this piercer + some other junk for trade..
msg me here...
msg me here...
....the person using it is usually in epic and less than rr5....
Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
td lets do invite only elite dragon raid
Originally posted by old.Moriaana
I wasn't being 'elitist'. I was just commenting on the fact that some low rr players seem able to get hold of items that would cause a certain amount of outcry if the same thing happened here in Hib on Excalibur. Can you Imagine what would happen if a rr2L1-just-turned-50 Hero got hold of the only <insert uber item here> in the realm?
It wouldn't be pretty
Originally posted by belth
Just saw some cosantoir with a galla staff yesterday.
Originally posted by Spamb0t
no.. means ur a lootwhore.
wtf is that shit anyways.
Originally posted by Drum'N'Base
S ? My savant got 3Fiery Revengers and a Soul Crusher
does it means hes l33t ? ^^
Originally posted by Graknak
Afaik the BP parts from Galladoria armour have epic gfx just like the Mid/Alb ones. So iow you won't know if someone is a just-hit-lvl50-gimp or a i-r-teh-elitist-RR10-rp-whore
Originally posted by yoshimo
show me wuv ^^ <Flashes brand new fancy 89.0 util unique MP Piercer>
Who said 89.0? <attempts to hide Edit log>Originally posted by yoshimo
show me wuv ^^ <Flashes brand new fancy 18.0 util unique MP Piercer>