Wanted: 1H Crushers



Ok i'm a lvl 36 Armsman who specced in crush/shield, now i also happen to fancy those nice bludgeon thingies so i'm looking for the following (unused preferred) Crushers to add to my "Collection" :D

Hair Wrapped Mace (Llyn Barfog, Bearded Gorger)
Tooth Studded Mace (Llyn Barfog, Epic Mobs)
Sulfurous Basher (Dartoor, Random)
Spiked War Scepter (Catacombs, Random)
Arm-bone Scepter (North Black Mountains, Random)
Mithrian Mace (Mithra, high lvl Mithra Mobs)
Hammer of the Plains (Salisbury Plains, Random)
Despoiled Flanged Mace (Catacombs, Random)
Despoiled Mace (Catacombs, Random)
Ellyll Hammer (Snowdonia, Ellyl's)
Feather Light Granite Hammer (Dartmoor, Random)
Fiery Pious Bludgeoner (Dartmoor, Random)
Granite Pulverizer (Dartmoor, Random)
Ogre King's Decider (Camp Forest, Wood Ogre Lord)
Cailiondar Mace (Lyonesse, Caileach)

If you got any other unusual 1h Crusher don't hesitate to PM me maybe i still need it :)

There is always a way to work things out so PM me ingame to Aristidus or Xarfraxarf :)

p.s. No, i got the Pygmy mace already, duh! :p

- Pathfinder -

You do realise most of these drops are for people above 45? Not to mention the fact that several are cleric weapons :p


Hey like i said, i'm a collector, so i make no exceptions for classes, i just want them all !!! :p
btw i know the stuff is lvl 45+ but that should be no problem, there are loads of ppl who want what i got :D (well the Cabalists at least, but still ;))


Guild has some of them but as said, they r lvl45+ and in use or on hold for a few lvls by our members.

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