Want to play a minstrel?



Now you can. I'm looking for any scouts/infils that might want to trade accounts with me.
What I have is a L38.5 minstrel, geared with full Coral banded armor (orange con) and Ellyll flute, Tuskers Old Wound sword etc...

Looking to trade accounts with scout/infil that is 25+ (preferrably above 30, but open to suggestions).
I know levling a scout/infil is a though as hell job and that many might think I'm stupid to ask for a swap. But I also reckon there must be ones that are fed up with the slow levling and want to play a char that gets groups with extreme ease.

check some screens of my minstrel here:


U can respond here or preferably send me a message on IRC, I'm on quakenet (i.e irc.quakenet.eu.org) #daoc.exc , named orm-

bye bye for now...


Oh, the temptation to say level 41.3 minstrel for trade.. ;)



If you follow the link to the Spec shot you can see a Phoenix Guard Pygmy group in action ;)

We are (in?)famous at last :)


Originally posted by orm-
Now you can. I'm looking for any scouts/infils that might want to trade accounts with me.
What I have is a L38.5 minstrel, geared with full Coral banded armor (orange con) and Ellyll flute, Tuskers Old Wound sword etc...

Looking to trade accounts with scout/infil that is 25+ (preferrably above 30, but open to suggestions).
I know levling a scout/infil is a though as hell job and that many might think I'm stupid to ask for a swap. But I also reckon there must be ones that are fed up with the slow levling and want to play a char that gets groups with extreme ease.

check some screens of my minstrel here:


U can respond here or preferably send me a message on IRC, I'm on quakenet (i.e irc.quakenet.eu.org) #daoc.exc , named orm-

bye bye for now...

It's tempting tbh, but I wouldn't wish my scout upon anybody :/


Oh my report is on 2 of the screenshots as well ;)

Yeah Myrddin is clear ;)

Is it so hard to lvl one yourself? It gives far more satisfaction to have lvled one yourself.. (and you get the hang of it better (how to kill, attack etc.))


Hey, dude/dudess, whats the deal with blanking out your name?


Originally posted by Aligro
Hey, dude/dudess, whats the deal with blanking out your name?

so you wont report him as an cheater?=)

trading accounts is as far as i know not legal=)


Either that, or it's a really embarrassing name. :p


Well, have decided to make my own infiltrator... damn this will take patience and time :)
Allready have a lvl 2 Rogue named... Critical :p duh lame...
well, will be seen levling alongside a theurgist named ondskan (who will be specced towards 6s pbt btw)... maybe then he'll be able to bribe me into groups (because he won't join without me damnit!)... well cu all and better wish med good luck ;]


or maby u will end up groupless for a looong time=)

i'm going for 6S too hehe

Zag Barr

I wouldn't worry too much about getting groups.

Most people in Albion know by now, that an infiltrators are good group members. They can deal more damage, than even pole tanks - and latest when they reach high Evade they can also take some aggro. Especially with pBT they hardly ever get hurt: Miss, Evade, Miss, Evade, Evade, Miss.

Scouts are excelent group chars as well. Shield scouts are the best guards you can have, they are excelent pullers (especially important after the next patch and end of chaining). And do almost as much damage as wizzards, without running out of mana.

Of course each group needs a healer/buffer, a pBT theurgist and a minstrel first, but then you can fill the group with almost any other combination of chars and be a successfull group - if everybody in the group knows how to play his char.

Also lots of people have a soft spot for infis, since most acknowledge the fact, that Albion needs more of them :)

Most of all I think people like to group with nice people. If you are a nice guy, a good, attentive player, if you are not a known afk burden, you will get groups - no matter hat char you play.

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