Wanna make a quake2 mod!!!



I'm making a Quake2 mod called Lead Fortress and I"m looking for some people that can do modeling, programming, skinning, texturing, mapping and sound to help me make it. If u can do any of this please e-mail me or go to the webpage at http://www.cgocable.net/~zbajic

[GA] Shovel

Well, you appear to have covered everything there, kinda like Exocets veiw towards the clan website:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Ben, can you do this?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
And has he touched it since? maybe.

2. I wante to make a mod once, Titanic quake it was going to be called, the most enjoyable single player experiance possible, round after round of slow, hilarious Di Caprio death scenes (these take at least half an hour so you have to aim for the head to speed it up)

However, one day aftewr telling a friend he discovers that someone had already made it.

[GA] Shovel

See GA @ www.barrysworld.com/blackgold

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