Wanna appoligise to Equilibrium



Beacuse they have to listen to my whine EVERY singel day in /gu
I keep my whine rate @ MAX the whole time due to the fact i just seem to NEVER get a tree group.

Why is it that ppl just look at their own profit, "as long as im getting my share of the exp i dont care bout others".

The really problem isnt that i aint getting a tree group, the problem is that ppl are so DAMN ignorant when they got a "golden" spot in a DAMN TREEGROUP!

I usually walk towards a tree group and ask them nice "Hello, is there a spot for me in group and can u give me a tell when a fighter spot opens".
And 1 out of 10 times i get a respons, wich is really sad. It doesnt take someone that long to say atleast "np" "we will" "we are full atm but we can msg u"
REMEMBER NEXT TIME U WANT A GROUP! dont be such a ignorant git.

I also want to thank "jiggs" if i dont remember wrong, when i one time did my "usuall" approach to a group and asked them, ofcrz i didnt get a response from the group, but as i walked away with my head down sobbing i get a pm from jiggs, where he tells me no spot atm but i will get a tell later on wich made me real pleased with a fellow alb :) /em hugs jiggs

Even tho i know much of this prob is due to the fact that i am a Infil, but when u dont want us in groups to get to lvl 50 dont #((/"#/( ask us to scout inside a keep later on in rvr, gets me pissed when im out with the realm and taking keeps and they always tell infs to make a group and scout inside bla bla bla.
But us getting to 50 they dont care, aslong as we get there and can help the realm we could solo are way to 50 asfar as they could care.

Also remember one time i was told i couldnt get a spot in the group cuz i did too much dmg. KTHX! GJ GROUP!

Well, this is my words this cold saturday morning at work :(
And thx to Dreama, secret fangrim and Waerlogga for helping me getting exp when i was the most frustrated :)))) really like u guys

Laico Lionel lvl 49.X infil (always looking for tree group so plz pm me if a spot opens :)


you're still doing trees at 49? :|
Admittedly DF is closed a horrible proportion of the time, lately...


Yeah, but trees are easy and predictable...slow and safe. Hordes of seal-crazed Mids aren't going to suddenly turn up in Spot 3 and kick your ass along with the Danoin Soldiers.

Well, there was that one time, actually...but that probably had more to do with the amount of Martini I'd had to drink and not the amount of keeps anyone owned.



"you're still doing trees at 49? :|
Admittedly DF is closed a horrible proportion of the time, lately..."

Dont want my exp to depend on somethings thats open 1/3 of the time im online :\


Best tree group Ive seen had 3 high level infils.

Those that dont want infiltrators at trees have alot to learn.


I think that ppl dont realize what capable damagedealers infils really are.
I personally always get whatever class in group, as long as we have heals, aggro taker and cc.
Heck, we even did 1-2 hours with an infil as main (and only) tank the other day.


I wish all ppl would think like this, then i would already be 50
But one time i wasnt allowed in a group, i was told i did too much dmg ;p


Well I did trees most of my exping life between 44 and 50 (and solo'd pikemen while waiting for groups) simply because they're always there, the exp really aint THAT bad, and if you do enough you WILL get to 50. They're reliable, and they're proven to work.


Agree entirely WF works a treat - dull as f*** but works a treat :)

Most bizarre no from a tree group I ever had was from a lvl 49 Armsman who turned me down as a lvl 49 Friar 'cos they were not looking for a "healer". Strange that you can get to lvl 49 in this game and still think Friars are healers lol.


Woot? Friars aren't healers? Well, wtf are they then? Sheep herders? I mean, they carry a staff, and they don't cast, so they must be some other kind of weak ass char right? They couldn't be dmg dealers, no way, they wear dresses!:p :p :p


Originally posted by -Dreama-
Woot? Friars aren't healers? Well, wtf are they then? Sheep herders? I mean, they carry a staff, and they don't cast, so they must be some other kind of weak ass char right? They couldn't be dmg dealers, no way, they wear dresses!:p :p :p

we are 'shaftmasters' with our shafts blessed by the good Lord himself.


lol 45+ if you cant get a knights grp down DF go rvr or craft or lvl an alt or summat its time well spent, trees now that you can no longer auto them sux ass sure its safe xp and in the right grp it can be fairly fast but in my experience DF is the place to lvl 45+ trees arent worthwhile anymore unless theres about 5 of you it can be done a lot faster but theres more risk involved depends on how fast you wanna hit 50 but ive dont the 10 hour sessions at trees i wouldnt wish it on anyone :)


I know how you feel m8

At least you got to the last level...i gave up my Infil a week ago at level 42 since i NEVER (besides the guildgroup once every 3 weeks for 2 hours) got a group. :(

When i look back at it now..i even wonder how i ever made it passed level 40...everyday you check the FIND tab to see 15 people in charge of a group...you ask every single one of them if they can use an infil

and well...the answers you get (if you get them at least) are the same over and over

"we need a xxx " -> xxx being all albion classes except an infil :sleeping:
"my group doesn't want an infil"
"..." -> silence...like they never got the message
"no" -> at least it an answer....even if it's a bit rude to say it like this :)

gl on your last 10 bubs m8...


Its pure bull and misunderstood conceptions. I have seen infils outdamage all kinds of tanks.
Get a cleric and some CC with more than half-a-brain and you can use an infil as maintank.


problem with infiltrators in a group is that a lot of ppl dont know how to use them. I´m not only talking about the person playing the infiltrator, but also the rest of the group.

thing is, most people dont want the infiltrator, because he deals a large amount of damage, and so gets aggro from what ur fighting. now, the trick is to prevent him from getting this aggro for very long at a time.

there are a couple of things to help this work.

1: infiltrator should not use poison while in group. the damage output of the infiltrator is more than good enough without poisons, and poison is a big aggro magnet.

2: with one or more infiltrators in th group, try to get a paladin in it too. paladin then uses heal chant, and enrage (aggro style). paladin should do the enrage style 2 times (usually) at the start of the battle, then enrage if he looses aggro, untill he regains the aggro. rest of the time it depends on what u fight, if ur doing trees there´ll be adds, which means that enrage must be used again, and so take care, that u dont run out of endurance.

3: guard, ppl with s/s should guard infiltrators, the pally described above needs guard too tho, but he himself can guard one infiltrator.

I´ve been in lots of party´s with infiltrators, I loved having an infil in my grp during my xp time. all it takes is that u try to keep the damage dealtto them low. I´m sure theres more ways to do that than what I´ve written, but theese were the ones that sprung to my mind.

try it out, and see how it works.


Originally posted by Jiggs

we are 'shaftmasters' with our shafts blessed by the good Lord himself.

Man Shaft is a bad motha-
But I'm talkin about Shaft!
Then we can dig it.

Jiggs has been main tank at trees a fair bit so I've heard


Originally posted by Moodyard^_^
Also remember one time i was told i couldnt get a spot in the group cuz i did too much dmg. KTHX! GJ GROUP!

I was told this once, so I pulled out a green-con weapon and a shield. The group didn't even notice :p


Originally posted by Fingoniel

Jiggs has been main tank at trees a fair bit so I've heard

ssshh don't upset the tanks

that group with me and laico as main tanks with 2 cabbies and a smiter was the fastest i have seen trees drop :p


U can trust Jiggs he one of the good un. :)

Ps U owe me a tenner :p


Sorry about that

I´m sorry about that Laico. I know it is hard for infils to get tree grps, but i´ve never understood that cause they are great in RvR.

We almost FOUGHT sometimes about who first was gonna hit lvl 50 of us, and i got it first, but i thought that YOU were gonna hit it first. I remember when you was looking for grp, that i many times gave you my spot when i had to log etc.

I really hope you get lvl 50 some day soon would be great with a lvl 50 infil in guild. :D

GL Laico :)


Why do people always do trees?

I spent 1 bub doing trees and it did my head in, so I found another spot to go from 48-50 with all the phaffing about it didnt take long, you need a Cleric and thats it.

I spent the last 2 bubs doing liches in barrows, when you get there Templar doesnt bother you; however, if like me you helped lvl43-50 clerics and pallies with thier epics you are still hated in barrows; I still havent managed to fix the faction :(

Anyway, liches were giving me 35-55mil per kill, sometimes you get 1 sometimes you get three its never quiet :)

In all the time I leveled there, and subsequent visits with others I have never seen it camped, not once...

So if you want a change go and do the liches.

I refuse to comment on the noise they make however :(


As for Infs not getting grps, we have seen; In Ferus Legionis; several infils our main one is lvl50 and I remember grping with him lots of times, and likewise others in the guild have grpd lots.

The fact he is an Infil was never an issue, he is/was a mate and people group'd with him.

When its not fun to play your chosen character you change it or give the game up.


Solo'ed pikemen yesterday, could chainpull them (yellow at 49). Only rest was for power, basically no resists (2-3 in about 50 pulls).
Damage varied from 595-1300+ per nuke(crit).
20 mil per pull, comes in single 95% of the time.

Requires spirit-based nukes btw.

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