Walls in crim packed full of albs



Wasn't it a bit crowded in there guys?

Why do you feel its necessary to do this every time you defend a keep?

I believe some of us may have done it, although (obviously) i wouldn't really know as hibs can't shoot me, but I have never seen it happen on any of our defenses, certainly most of our best archer are alwas up on the battlements with me. If it was ever done to any extent by hibs it seems to have stopped now. The last time i saw albs do it, it was only one or two of you *cough* veeshan *cough* but here it was almost all of the well known alb archers.

Whats the point? Where's the fun in winning if you cheat?

I for one certainly hope this patch sorts this out, it really is a bit depressing having it happen all the time now.


yes it was :D
sorry, felt 6 times through wall and met some other guys =P

heard alot about that bug, now i know how it works :]

And stop whining lol, now i know why we lost alot when we tried to take Crim ;)


you lost because albs suck at taking defended keeps.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Eblessair
you lost because albs suck at taking defended keeps.
as do hibs at taking relics :p


It'll take a while for Alb to settle, atm we got far too many tanks and not enuf of the other classes, some Infi's coming thru (fear after the patch), LOTS of scouts/minstrels & some nukers/mezzers/pbaoe'ers. Soon... we will have the hi-lvl skill sets needed to take any defended keep :clap:


Originally posted by old.TheAussie
yes it was :D
sorry, felt 6 times through wall and met some other guys =P

heard alot about that bug, now i know how it works :]

And stop whining lol, now i know why we lost alot when we tried to take Crim ;)

LOL, comments like that make me sick!!

Soo tired of that wall abuse, its soo fooking fun to see 5-6 albs stand there jumping to get into the wall, its so easy to see. And i have never seen any Hibs doing it. (I have seen scrennies of it, but i have never been seen it being used myself).

Play like a decent realm. if you want to be respected as a decent realm. Sad for the few who plays fairly. Some are just too stupid, to see that.

But then again there would not be any excitement if you where not cheating - it would simply be too easy for us.


Originally posted by TheAussie
yes it was :D
sorry, felt 6 times through wall and met some other guys =P

I hope you reported all of them?



Aussie, it would be a really big help if you could report the cheaters you saw in the wall to RightNow so we can get them banned. From outside the keep it's often hard to figure out who is hiding in the walls and almost impossible to get evidence (screenshots, etc.) during the battle- people were shouting that you were in the walls, but as far as I could tell every time you were shooting at me I could see you up on the ramparts.

I have only reported the worst cheater of the night, Lathoniel, who was still in the walls after the lord was killed and the keep, shooting people inside and outside the keep and on the battlements - he must have gotten nearly a dozen people before a PBAOEr finally took him out.


At the time I took that screenshot I must have been standing right on top of him (well actually by that point, lying dead right on top of him). I could hear his bow twanging away, and I was close enough to see the "Lathoniel shoots xxx with his bow" messages, but i could not see or target him. About five minutes after that he was still firing away when our nuker got up against the wall outside the keep and PBAOE'd him down.

I hope he got tons of realm points, and I also hope that this is not his first offense and GOA terminates his account.

ps. I was laughing at finster getting destealthed and ganked in the courtyard below. Hi finster!

pps. You yell, "for hibernia... AND TIMMEH!"


Bleh, kinda pisses me off thinking of people hiding in walls just for RPs :/

Ban them all (if theres proof). Alrindel your screenshot isn't really THAT incriminating, although granted it does appear as though he's in the wall ...

Especially as if he was outside, I doubt very very much he'd be able to target/unstealth you :]



When hibs took ailliene back we was a group standing in the courtyard.. and some hib ranger was killing us .

No1 was on wall.... we was in courtyard ..

Really hope the patch will fix this bugs. But dont think that becuase we dont post about wall bug abuse, it dont happen to us..

In fact we allso tryed that a Hib Hero!! killed some of us from walls while we was taking a hib keep ....

I have never seen a Middi do it nor have i heard an alb do it to mids.. so go figure



Ban them all (if theres proof). Alrindel your screenshot isn't really THAT incriminating, although granted it does appear as though he's in the wall ...

Especially as if he was outside, I doubt very very much he'd be able to target/unstealth you :]
He was close enough to me to see through a level 40 ranger's 30 stealth, target me and shoot me while I was standing on the wall. But what I meant about proof was that I had enough proof to personally convince ME that he was cheating, and report him in good conscience. My screenshot isn't real evidence of course, but GOA doesn't need it, they can tell from the server logs that he was shooting from a loc that was inside the walls.

Oh and Alrindel, you're really quite poor ;[
Tell me about it. Every copper I've earned between levels 30 and 40 has gone to wood for keep doors, armour, guildmates and raising weaponcrafting from 650 to 662 (that's about 600g right there). :(

When hibs took ailliene back we was a group standing in the courtyard.. and some hib ranger was killing us .

I have never seen a Middi do it nor have i heard an alb do it to mids.. so go figure

Filip, there are cheaters in all three realms doing it to all the other realms. There have already been Middies banned by GOA for exploiting the wall bug. No one realm started it, and I'm not trying to pretend that there are no cheaters in Hibernia - we know there are. So let's get them all banned as soon as possible.


Don't worry, next time I'm in emain I'll drop you a wad of gold.

Although you won't be able to pick it up, I'm sure you'll agree, it's the thought that counts.

Oh, and yeah, lets get back to the topic, damned cheating alb motherfuckers ... *ahem*

/hides his 'Scout' title ...


You know Hibs what I would be cool if you did, let people who fall through battlements and land outside get back in without getting ganked. Never going to happen of course, but in this buggy engine this person is getting well tired of 5 times trying to get a good position, ending up inside a wall, walking in again and the 6th time end up outside wall, get ganked and siege over for my sake.

I'd never stand inside a wall, but I am getting seriously pissed at how many sieges have ended for me just because I have tried and tried to move to a decent legal spot. Being pissed leads to the dark side, soon I either forget keep defense entirely, go buff the lord and go tailor next to him, or snap and take the position inside the walls the game continually gets me into.

Let me conclude, this bug seriously works against proper defenders.


you beleive some of you may have done it ?

honey, hibs invented it.


Originally posted by old.m0000
you beleive some of you may have done it ?

honey, hibs invented it.

Even so it's no excuse for us Albs (or ANYONE) to exploit this bug. It's a lame exploit and takes the fun away from RvR/keep taking (if you think keep taking is fun :/) ...

I worked hard for me 17 RP! *ahem*


Originally posted by old.m0000
you beleive some of you may have done it ?

honey, hibs invented it.

Now THAT, is complete doodoo! Albs started doing it back in beta ffs!


Originally posted by old.Zarko

Soo tired of that wall abuse, its soo fooking fun to see 5-6 albs stand there jumping to get into the wall, its so easy to see.

This prouves how much you know about sniping...

You need to jump on that wall : 'you cant see your target' because of that little border. If you jump and shoot.. then you'll be attacking your target.. and sometimes you fall into the wall.

And if you think hibs have never done it... jump 5 times on the wall and see how easy you fall into the wall.


Dosen't matter who started it - all that matters is that it stops!

I've never understood online cheaters- they are skilless if they need to exploit cheats and bugs - and where is the fun in destroying the fun for others?


Originally posted by old.Xandax
Dosen't matter who started it - all that matters is that it stops!

I've never understood online cheaters- they are skilless if they need to exploit cheats and bugs - and where is the fun in destroying the fun for others?

It's unlikely 2 stop 2 many nobs playing the game.

Hardly in GOA's interest 2 perm ban people that do it either cause thats no subscriptions from the people they ban :(


Originally posted by old.TheAussie

This prouves how much you know about sniping...

Is sniping about standing on a wall and jump madly like a bunny in a game a of counterstrike?? I thought your shoot would be interrupted, but then again i only have 30lvls of experince as a archer(ranger).

Are we talking about the same thing?? The cheaters or the few decent players i saw last night at crim??

Originally posted by old.TheAussie

And if you think hibs have never done it... jump 5 times on the wall and see how easy you fall into the wall.

Still fail to see why you, Aussie, think that this happens not on purpose. Sad to see you even post your realmrank, you should be ashamed.


personally i think all those using wall bug should refrain from it as saying they be banned is almost a joke as we all know not much gets done.
however,i think its insulting for hib players trying to put too much into roleplaying by defending their realm mates by saying i never saw it happen as it was so common place you could hardly do a rvr day without some hibs using it.it was started by hibs player grew to involve so many and sadly the sickness has spread to albion.and yes it still goes on by hibs so saying it stopped is a joke.
from the posts i understand having been a victim countless times to this abusers and hopefully next time your comrades are using bugs you will understand the need not to defend them saying show me more evidence(screenies were given and people said fakes) but to actually say something against it.
having said that i hope albion will not go down to using this methods and if doing so please stop(here i am not deamnding screenies and shouting if you ever produce them that its fake as i know it probably is so its a human behind the keyboard not a hibs or albion).


Originally posted by old.Zarko

Still fail to see why you, Aussie, think that this happens not on purpose. Sad to see you even post your realmrank, you should be ashamed.

yeah i'm very ashamed :rolleyes:

first time i found out how it worked.... and i was R4 before that ;>


Yes, of course, the 5 people in each realm abusing the hell out of this bug obviously pay more than the rest of the RvR level population.

If you let the cheaters get the best of it then everyone else will be gone.

And as far as I know GOA were punishing the people involved in previous exploits... it's not their way to put heads on spikes outside the main webpage though, so we'll never know exactly what happens to this lot.

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