Wall bugs, it aint just bainshees yknow


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Im not naming people here as it prolly isnt intentional but GoA shuld make a note of this and report its urguncy to Mythic again to get them to soddin fix it. Its not just Bainshees that can shoot through walls. Today me and several others were being nuked through walls in Leirvik and weve also had it in BG1. It at first would seem maybe a window or some gap caused it until u face and try to nuke the person nuking u. U cannot see your target and yet they can nuke you through a solid brick wall. RsPhil can back me up on this. Its been happening a lot since the last few patches and prolly happens with all 3 realms. Like i said it probably isnt on purpose 99% of the time, just someone with u targetted spamming the button, but its also bullshit.

U cant shoot through a wall in real life, u shuld not be able to nuke/shoot/pbaoe someone through walls in the game either. Unless ofc keeps are now made of cardboard. Plz look into this GoA/Mythic and find a solution.


Loyal Freddie
Aug 4, 2005
gtaoe/volley don't need LoS. they don't work if you save inside an undestroyed keep/tower tho.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Jobbegea said:
gtaoe/volley don't need LoS. they don't work if you save inside an undestroyed keep/tower tho.

Someone's got volley arrows that Nuke now? givf!

Knighthood DID state "nuking", not arrows


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
aye, GTAoE doesnt need LoS just range.

used this multiple times before agramon when albs or mids camped a bridge just got a GT on the top or second floor and smacked away, just needed a target that was near the GT


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
Takhasis said:
Someone's got volley arrows that Nuke now? givf!

Knighthood DID state "nuking", not arrows

Jobbegea did state gtaoe also ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
sigh ok... just to clear this up...

I know what gtaoe and volley are...

This was rapid fire from bows and also chanter stuns and heat nukes

its not a thing that happens i didnt know about , its a bug with shoddy gltiches in the walls that allow u to be targetted through or shot through


Oct 26, 2004
Its just lag dude...lag makes chars beein visible for a sec outside the keep wall while they are moving inside.

It's very common and has been for a while.

Same as when I stun a guy at the oil, but because of the lag he gets stunned behind a bit further away making him not visible.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
knighthood said:
sigh ok... just to clear this up...

I know what gtaoe and volley are...

This was rapid fire from bows and also chanter stuns and heat nukes

its not a thing that happens i didnt know about , its a bug with shoddy gltiches in the walls that allow u to be targetted through or shot through

possibly a "wallhacker" too, quite popular in US. U can get nuked middle of a tower, where there is NO way to get LOS to nuke. Report this to GOA with screenshots so they can have a look at it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Shike said:
possibly a "wallhacker" too, quite popular in US. U can get nuked middle of a tower, where there is NO way to get LOS to nuke. Report this to GOA with screenshots so they can have a look at it.

This sounds more like it tbh. I understand the lag thing and yes that does happen but they could only target u if u lagged in the direction of a clear LoS. Like strafing. We wasnt, we were standing behind a fixed wall waiting for an oppertunity to move.fight back, and yet getting nuked off the roofs through a no way visible los. but nm.... im used to this kind of junk now hehe


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Im betting I was one of the rangers ur talking about..and the thing with arrows is...if u use RF you can get 1-2 shots off just as the person moves in behind a wall piece..coz theyre already in flight...same kinda goes for nukes. Its mostly lag/latency between server and clients. I cant begin to count the times Ive been nuked in real rvr even tho Ive taken a step behind summit solid.

If you wanna blame something, blame the coding ;) and since it works both ways(all 3 ways? :p) I cba complaining about it.



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
knighthood - what you're suffering from is "lag"...

the bainshee wall stuff is where someone stands behind a milegate or wall in agramon and obliterates anything around (and indeed it's not just bainshees - works with all aoe, just the bainshee one is particularly stupid ;))


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
That's not strictly true Flim, there are certain points you can stand at outside certain towers, spam 'nearest target' and nuke and you can hit people inside the tower or back on the walls if they're standing in the right place. There's also at least one tower in a bg that I know of as well that you can stand near the lord & hit people as they come inside the gate on a floor below you.

I dont know too much about the wheres etc, I've noticed it once on a bg eld, but primarily notice it being used by a high rr wizard - who seems to appear at every tower fight on the server & try the same trick DI bot in tow...

I'd love to work out a way to prove his texture abuse trick, very hard to capture it - although watch him for an evening & it's clear.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
knighthood - what you're suffering from is "lag"...

the bainshee wall stuff is where someone stands behind a milegate or wall in agramon and obliterates anything around (and indeed it's not just bainshees - works with all aoe, just the bainshee one is particularly stupid ;))

No, it's not. It's a completely different set of circumstances for one. I know how the "lag nuking" works cos I've killed people with it myself many times.

To lag nuke the person has to be moving before they lag through the wall. What happens is their client extrapolates their movement but doesn't take into account any surfaces (like walls and doors) they would hit - fuck knows why they didn't just make movement extrapolation take walls into account because that would prob solve most of the lag nuking problems.

But this is different. Over the past few weeks I've been semi afk sitting on top a keep or inside a tower and suddenly out of the blue I'm nuked to death.

Another thing I noticed too lately....Are chanters meant to be able to PBAE thru walls of keeps that aren't on 0%? I think not. But it happens all the time now. I reckon the statement regarding Banshee's CAE on the homepage is a broader warning than it was really intended to be on the surface because they know something is wrong.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Kari, you mean something like this? It may not be clear in the pics but this is a BG5 tower, unclaimed, and so it's not possible to be hit where we're standing - most especially from the door near a ram!






Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Yup phil has showed it exactly. Its the same with keep walls. Weve been standing huggin the outer wall on a non broken part. With luris on the
Roof <-- of CK , somehow hitting us with Stun through a wall and consequently nukes. Tis utter bollox. U may as well be standing on a sodding raized tower. And btw, even if in them screenshots phil was being lag hit by an ice pet from a therg. It still would only have nuked him once or at the most remote chance twice b4 los for the pet kicked in and it would just fire at nothing, but instead its nuking or the therg himself is nuking through a solid brick wall. Starting to think this is actually wall hacks tbh. If u are a normal player and u lose a LoS on someone u generally dont say, i know ill stand here and nuke constantly at nothing.

Fix this mythic ffs , the game gets more retarded everyday with bugs like this.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Hmm.... and unless this Luri had rapid fire GTAE and a macro for every /loc in the keep...ho hum.






It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
where's the luri in that screenshot? doesn't look like normal nuke damage but more pbaoe?

I've had someone nuke me 6 times from walking forward a step from standing on a tower (they were hugging the wall below) so I think there's some people with "interesting lag effects" around...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
well at first we thought it was gtaoe dmg flim, but weve been cast stunned and bolted through walls too ..

and afaik u cant gtaoe stuns and bolts :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Phil has very high resists btw and buffbott resists normally could account for the low dmg hes taking there :) :fluffle:


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
it is BG too I suppose..

had one fellow fighting on a tower, I'd move forward and get nuked 6 times by one person (noone else was nuking me) despite not walking into los on the wall...

nukes stopped, healed up, walked forward another step - 6 more nukes...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
Ye, thats exactly the effect at the tower - there's one tower in alb, that I guarantee if we take it this one chap will show up - he'll stand in the same spot by the bottom right corner (if standing by lord looking at oil) & nuke people moving between the lord & the oil (hugging the wall). There's one spot I know visually if I stand I can get nuked by this chap without fail.

And I know from old that this used to work in the tower nearest hib portal in molvik, stand in a certain place & you can F8 (nearest target) people on the floor below & nuke them - just because I found it by accident, and doesn't mean I used it for more than a couple of tries.

I personally just think it's LOS bugs, and this guy with the wizzy found it one time & now abuses it with impunity - it's bloody annoying at times tho :)
However there's no real way of reporting him that I can think of...


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Kari said:
Ye, thats exactly the effect at the tower - there's one tower in alb, that I guarantee if we take it this one chap will show up - he'll stand in the same spot by the bottom right corner (if standing by lord looking at oil) & nuke people moving between the lord & the oil (hugging the wall). There's one spot I know visually if I stand I can get nuked by this chap without fail.

And I know from old that this used to work in the tower nearest hib portal in molvik, stand in a certain place & you can F8 (nearest target) people on the floor below & nuke them - just because I found it by accident, and doesn't mean I used it for more than a couple of tries.

I personally just think it's LOS bugs, and this guy with the wizzy found it one time & now abuses it with impunity - it's bloody annoying at times tho :)
However there's no real way of reporting him that I can think of...

report it - they have logs and can keep an eye on them - all else fails an invisible GM standing on him should show things are amiss ;)

the 6 nuke thing seemed to be a lag effect as it wasnt constant nukes it was when I moved - got nuked a few times then it stopped. Moment I moved again I got nuked again.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Just report and be exact in your description to GOA. They can have a look at him and catch him redhanded then quite easy. Thats pure bugabuse and should be punished (imho anyway).

What I mean with wallhacking isnt the lagissues we face in DAoC, neither is it LOSbugs in walls etc...

I have been sitting in towers resting for mana for a while without moving, and I've been in the middle of the tower, with roof, ground, walls around me, means, noway anyone should be able to get a LOS on me, noway. And still, ppl bolt, shoot arrows and nuke right as if the walls wasnt there. Thats pure wallhacking. Not GTAE since GTAE dont hit for 600+ and not volley either since I've been critshot aswell. This is what you need to keep an eye out for and report it asap, dont go talking about it on forums or anything, just report so GOA can nail the assholes without them getting a warning from any public channel.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
where's the luri in that screenshot? doesn't look like normal nuke damage but more pbaoe?

I've had someone nuke me 6 times from walking forward a step from standing on a tower (they were hugging the wall below) so I think there's some people with "interesting lag effects" around...

Well as has been said - he was level 40 and I'm 44 with high resists but if you check you'll see the stun I have too which can confirm it's not GTAE.

Besides if you look at my health dropping that's one shit fire fast GTAE :p

PBAE shouldn't go through walls either but I have screenshots of two chanters blasting me thru a wall (wall at 99% health so no LoS removal) if anyone wants to see it I can post them up too. To my knowledge PBAE won't (shouldn't) go through a keep/tower/wall unlesss it's been reduced to 0%.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
I feel I ought to add that this is just a couple of incidents I've had in the past three or four days too, not a few isolated incidents but just ones I've screenshotted. Get this all the time and it seems to be since the last patch.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
The first pictures look like being stun/nuked after lagging on top of a keep. You can see the 'you move and interupt your spellcast' message, other clients may have seen you in line of sight.

The second looks like pb between rooms above and below or possibly via that window. The line of sight code in daoc isnt great especialy around windows/trapdoors I wouldnt be suprised if the pb was allowed through by the los code without any lag.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Boni said:
The first pictures look like being stun/nuked after lagging on top of a keep. You can see the 'you move and interupt your spellcast' message, other clients may have seen you in line of sight.

The second looks like pb between rooms above and below or possibly via that window. The line of sight code in daoc isnt great especialy around windows/trapdoors I wouldnt be suprised if the pb was allowed through by the los code without any lag.

Hmm... Well, the "move and you interrupt your spell cast" was me casting a damage add onto the skald. You can cleary see that he ain't moving and neither am I in the first set of pics till we get nuked. Then we both chuffing moved trying to get to a safe place - which didn't happen for me as you can see I died plainly in a safe area.

In the second lot of pics I aren't moving (again) and so there's no lagging into walls involved. It's not GTAE and I can assure you that, since the walls were crawling with mids, there's was no one near me. And I would once again point out the STUN that hit me before the nukes rained down.

Believe me I know the difference between a bit of clipping lag resulting in a few nukes and someone nuking two or three people down through walls.

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