It's been a long time - far too long, since I last set foot in Albion - but now it's time to yet again do so.
Shortly after NF (autumn 2004, iirc) I moved to the other end of the country and started a new job - decided I were using way to much time in DAoC and simply stopped. But lately my fingers have itched for some action - and I tried a few other mmorpgs out but soon came to the conclusion that I had to re-activate my old DAoC-account to feel satisfied
Now I'm just waiting to get home from work and have a look at just how much things have changed and what the new expansions have brougth us.
And ofcourse hoping to see some familar faces from old times, too
It's been a long time - far too long, since I last set foot in Albion - but now it's time to yet again do so.
Shortly after NF (autumn 2004, iirc) I moved to the other end of the country and started a new job - decided I were using way to much time in DAoC and simply stopped. But lately my fingers have itched for some action - and I tried a few other mmorpgs out but soon came to the conclusion that I had to re-activate my old DAoC-account to feel satisfied
Now I'm just waiting to get home from work and have a look at just how much things have changed and what the new expansions have brougth us.
And ofcourse hoping to see some familar faces from old times, too