Big Grats with your 50th lvl m8 :D I knew you could do it! Enchanter Powaaah!
O old.Odixarre Guest May 13, 2002 #1 Big Grats with your 50th lvl m8 I knew you could do it! Enchanter Powaaah!
O old.Elance Guest May 13, 2002 Thread starter #4 Gratz Sal!!! Elance In vino Veritas Gate Defender of Hibernia
S Salazar Guest May 13, 2002 Thread starter #9 Thanks /list all people who helped Too many matches- list truncated. So big thanks to all who took gimbed enchanter into groups... too many out there to remember all names
Thanks /list all people who helped Too many matches- list truncated. So big thanks to all who took gimbed enchanter into groups... too many out there to remember all names
W Wuren Guest May 13, 2002 Thread starter #11 Originally posted by Kainz Congrats old man!! Click to expand... yes grats OLD man lol well done
O old.Alderian Guest May 13, 2002 Thread starter #13 We gotta stop them silly elves reaching L50 they dont deserve it (Grats sal)