Chaos Engine Advance
Y Yaka Guest Jul 11, 2002 Thread starter #4 i hope they do decide to include the ace last 4 lvls from part 2
M Munkey- Guest Jul 13, 2002 Thread starter #7 I like the bitmap brother's games. trying to remember a game they made aeons ago. merecenary type guy. black. went around a scrolling map killing things and picking up stuff. was installed on my schools computer ages ago. great fun any release dates mentioned?
I like the bitmap brother's games. trying to remember a game they made aeons ago. merecenary type guy. black. went around a scrolling map killing things and picking up stuff. was installed on my schools computer ages ago. great fun any release dates mentioned?
K Kippa. Guest Jul 16, 2002 Thread starter #9 You do know theres a page 1 dont you? you only ever seem to reply to threads from ages ago :/