VN Post: Automatic groups



Here's a post I made on VN here:


Whilst eating dirt in emain yet again (after meeting a much more organised RvR guild vs the failed pickup group I'd joined), I had a thought about a automatic group making system.

<Stay with me, this needs some work but could improve RvR drastically if someone could implement what I'm thinking up>

Ok, for example at the portal/frontier keep in each realm we could have a room which when entered places you in queue to be placed in a perfect pickup group.

If you are the first of the new group, you decide what classes you would like, eg for Mid, 1 40+Pac healer, 1 Aug/Mend Shammy, 1 PBT runie, 1 Skald, etc. You get the idea. Now as more people enter as they are looking for group, spaces are filled in your group.

This would need to be an automated system and able to juggle you around group wise to fit up a perfect group.

Like I said this needs some work but I could see this improving RvR for the casual gamer no end. The guild RvR groups would still be fine (and perhaps still always better due to familar tactics, known players) and would appreciate more balanced 1fg v 1fg fights. So everyone should be happy.

Any additional ideas/thoughts on this? I really wish something like this was implemented somehow.


Give me your feedback here or if you feel inclined a post on the above link.


ok when someone ask you to join there group you get a request pop up, how about one that comes up for players have requested for your group within a set area, something like:

John Dow, Level 50 Paladin is forming a group that needs a 'Cleric' would you like to join? yes/no

The Leader for the group just click 'find suitable players' and the it check the area and sends out to the first person it finds someone. If the player refuses it moves on to next person. Players that click no don't get asked again. As soon as someone click yes, they join and the Leader has to start the process again. It could justkeep going until it fulls up the group but you may only be planning a small stelther group for example.

I guess it would need a lot of work, but i'm sure like many high level people we just don't seem to use the looking for group feature as much as we did when leveling up in the low levels, and that doesn't level you know if people want a group for RvR or EXPing. Maybe thats the answer, being able to flag the group as RvR or Exp. Hay just think if you could just look for groups in a /cg. Now that /cg are really easy to join, people oftem spend a lot of time using the cg to find a group. It would really save a lot of time if as soon as you join a CG you could just look for groups within it for spaces/members :). I might start a new thread on this.


From experience i'd say even the perfect pickup group with get owned by a guild group 9 times out of 10, not that it isn't a good idea but you have to ask what happens to those classes that arn't included in a 'perfect' group.


Great idea, though archean has a good point too...
But are they included now in groups ?


I mentioned this in the vn thread too, perhaps "perfect" balanced group is the wrong phrasing. An rvr group that would work could include an archer or assassin for example.

Maybe when a group is formed you could select a template, of "Stealth Only", "Caster Heavy", "Melee Heavy" etc. But a common theme (except the stealth one) would be to have a healing, cc and speed class as necessary. Or not. It would need some thrashing out for sure as it would be nice not to disclude classes.


imo the find button on group tab is underused.


Originally posted by Archeon
From experience i'd say even the perfect pickup group with get owned by a guild group 9 times out of 10, not that it isn't a good idea but you have to ask what happens to those classes that arn't included in a 'perfect' group.

mate, you need ot get into RvR more :rolleyes:

and for classes that arent included... Well guess why most of thanes have lev 50 chars? :p


What you need is something so that you can see the group you are joining. Currently you get person you have never heard of invites you to join a group. Alot of the time accepting that invite wont put you in a balanced group and even then, a good looking group can end up bad if the group leader doesnt hold slots for needed classes. This is why leaders with a good rep can get groups together easily (easier anyway :) ).. not only do they have a good network of all classes ( esp rare classes ), they will get an accept for random invites cos people know they put together balanced groups.

Possible solutions.

- You are auto-invited if offered a group slot -- you then have to disband if you dont want one.

Currently, accepting, looking at the group then disbanding is considered rude/elitest. If a person was auto invited then they could look and then just /g sorry was going to join a different group.

you can disband just by pressing decline and also it doesnt prevent someone else inviting you

Basically, this just gives you more info on who's in the group you are being asked to join

also have
/groupblock name to prevent a person auto inviting you

- Allow groups to veto invites

There is nothing more annoying that joining a group that looks balanced, and then the group leader invites someone for the last 1-2 slots when they are needed for a vital class.

/lastslot bard 45 50 - if speed is needed
/lastslot bard druid warden 50 - if a healer is needed
/lastslot hero blademaster champion 50 - if tank is needed

This could be a pure veto or maybe something like when the group leader invites the person, they get a message "warning this invite will violote (2) group member's /lastslot conditions are you sure?". Its normally the last 1-2 invites that make or break balance ... unless the first 6 members are all the same type of class.

Maybe allow people specifiy what the consider minimum for a balanced group is.


Tbh, though the reason why everyone cant get balanced groups is that certain needed classes are in short supply. This means that the "best" groups will get those classes as people who play those classes will want to be in effective groups, though I guess a queue might help.

If you have 10 of every type of class and only 5 bards ... then you can only have 5 balanced groups with speed


Originally posted by Kallio
mate, you need ot get into RvR more :rolleyes:

I would, but sadly it seemed every time i go to Emain for some random group 'Fun' i get to the mile gate, or to the albi mile gate, or some times as far as the other side of the albi mile gate and then i get some tank trying to carve me a third crevice with all those nasty weapons they seem to get their hands on.

Its probably just lousey timing on my part but i don't tend to have too much fun when i'm in a random group.

Originally posted by Kallio
and for classes that arent included... Well guess why most of thanes have lev 50 chars? :p

Well come on, i mean thanes are just... well thanes, you know.

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