Vitality TFC - New League fo' dat ass




some of you may have heard of a new TFC ladder/league which has been in the offing for a couple of weeks now. I'd just like to give you a (not so) little update, and some more information.

The league is still under development, but a draft of the rules and setup have been published at a temporary address (see below) to let people see what they'd be getting into. Player and clan signup forms will be online in the near future, so anyone interested can register with the site to keep up to date with developments.

The league, Vitality, is unique in Europe. Following the American STA league's format quite closely (but dropping many of the more bizarre rules), it combines the best parts of league and ladder competitions; giving the structure, prestige and organisation of a league with the fluidity and speed of a ladder.

The league is divided into divisions (of 12-16 clans), and games are scheduled weekly (you are assigned opponents rather than arranging games yourself). Promotion can be won at any time, meaning there is no seasonal setup - and no more waiting 4 months for promotion. Basically, if you can put together a good streak of wins, you get promoted. There is always something to aim for - the divisional title and subsequent promotion - and there will always be fierce competition throughout the league. This setup allows clans to be quickly rewarded for their good performances, and will make sure there's always a fight at every level. The swift movement of clans means that anyone can quickly make their mark and gain the recognition they deserve, and the chance to play at a higher level. Prompt and regular clearing out of inactive clans means that divisions won't be left to stagnate, and active clans will have active opponents.

Clans can expect a game a week against similar-standard opponents they may not otherwise face; a chance to play maps they may not otherwise play; a chance to win recognition quickly if they work hard enough; and, above all, a fun, clean and challenging league in which to be involved.

The league will be open to clans across Europe of any standard, and will hopefully provide another excellent European competition to run alongside ETFCL and ECTFC - but, unlike those tourneys, one which any clan can enter. ETFCL provides top clans a great opportunity to face opponents from other countries; Vitality will give that same opportunity to anyone. After an initial "trial" phase where only one division will be active, new divisions will be created on demand - effectively there'll be no limit to the number of clans who can join, and they are free to join and leave at any point thanks to the flexible nature of the league. The initial "trial" clans will form the upper division, and will feature some of the best clans in Europe - hopefully the likes of [UE], [DW], [ERA], =BC=, [BAD], [8th], [koSm], [SHS], -Lf- etc.

The head admins of Vitality have vast experience of running successful competitions. LoneGun and Storm were responsible for taking the UKTFCL from it's worst days through to it's best, and firmly establishing it as the largest TFC competition in Europe; they are now devoting their time and experience to Vitality. Biggz has been involved in TFC leagues since the summer of '99 and has experience of a number of leagues, ladders and other competitions. The admins' goal in starting this league was to provide a fun, challenging, exciting and clean league for everyone involved. As such, cheats and mercs will not be tolerated, abuse will not be tolerated, and players will be expected to treat each other with respect.

As with all leagues, the admins will have to set the rules and make decisions; but this will be done with the involvement of the clans. Decisions about the future of the league will often be helped by votes, whether from all Vitality players, all Vitality clans, or the original "startup" clans. This might include map votes, rules amendments or any other issues which will affect the league.

Sorry for taking so long, but there's a lot to tell. We'll keep you updated with the league's progress, and for now you can check out a draft version of the rules and some basic information at . If you have any questions or suggestions, or want to offer any help, you can always contact one of the admins (details at the above address). As soon as we have a launch date for the trial period we'll let you know, and we expect the league to "open to the masses" around 2-4 weeks after that.

Thanks for reading, and we hope to see a lot of you enjoying the league in the future :).




hmm, all sounds good although hope trial period isn't too long.. at 1 game a week a trial period could be 3 feckin months! am v glad this is coming cos quite simply there arne't enough leagues atm for the 'more active' clans that like to play at least 5 games a week :eek:


Well it does sound like a great idea i wish u all the best CC/storm gl guys :D


gl should be intresting
/me gets in a good clan for it :D


The trial period will only be about 3-4 weeks; it's mainly just to make sure everything will run smoothly etc. The start of the league is still a way off, but once it's started it won't take long to get up to full size :).

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