Please rephrase your question, in the form of a proper question. I seem to be the one answering tech-questions to most today...
Vista is generally a good OS to use for an end user, there's no real/major flaws/bugs in it yet and the only issues (imo) with it are the searching functions/security warnings.
the 1st problem i have w vista is Error Message(308) Cannot update patch utility
n i need to dl a patch from filefront, but noooo i am not payin 3 months fee for 5 mins dl. so i log to xp n play.
but... if i can find that patch or another for free, it would b sweet ^^
May be you should stop answering questions then & go make a dick of urself elsewhere !
As for the rest - thx for a straight foward answer to a straight foward question.
Screw you, peon end user. You didn't even give a proper question to be answered; grow up.
Running LotM on Vista without major problems here. However, zoning takes like 1-2 mins on a desktop PC with 2GB RAM, compared to ~15 secs on a laptop with 1GB running XP. While that isn't a biggy as long as you stay in the same zone (NF, for example) it becomes majorly annoying when questing in the lab (Cammy->NF 2 mins, NF->Lab 2 mins, Lab->NF 2 mins, NF->CS 2 mins, CS->Cammy 2 mins - that's 10 minutes spent staring at a frozen screen for just 1 quest). I do hope this isn't a problem inherent with Vista but with the DAoC client and that it gets fixed next patch.
EDIT: Gosh, I forgot porting into and out of the Throne Room...