very very strange FPS problem with cs ever since 6.5/hl


d@ m@d m00

i have a machine with this spec:
amd k6-2 350 (is that the problem???)
128mb pc100 sdram
voodoo3 3000 agp
sblive platinum
hectares of hdd space
gigabyte ga5ax motherboard, aladin 7 chipset (could be the chipset, there used to be graphics problems with it)
and i get this problem in halflife ever since the new patch:
i get an average FPS of 10... it was fine pre- ive tried different gfx drivers, different upgrade patches for hl/cs, reinstalling hl, cs, and windows, and cliffe isnt replying to any of my emails...
i just wondered if anyone knows how to fix this problem, or has this problem too, and if you have this problem too, if you could possibly tell your machine spec...
d@ m@d m00

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