Very strange Lag problem in Emain



My friend has DAoC and he gets this very very wierd problem..

Specs for reference:
Athlon 1ghz
Geforce 4 Ti42000
256 SDRam
8Gb Hard Drive
Asuscom 128k ISDN Modem
A-Bit KT7-Raid
SB Live!
Server: Pyrd
Connection: ISDN 64K/128K
OS: Win XP Pro

When he goes to Emain (Or any Hib place he tells me now) he lags out completely gets 'link dead' but everywhere else is fine!

Ive tried installing difirent OS's gone through 3 now, tried swaping PCI slots for modem, tried everything I havent a clue whats wrong. But whats weird is in his mates house down the road, he doesnt lag at all, his mate has same Isdn modem, ISP, OS, and ISDN Line !

Im 100% lost now, any ideas?

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