very nice cloth sleeves for sale or trade........

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i got cyreath woven elemental sleeves for sale if any of u casters want out there pls msg me in game.


i need the money atm :( but i wont sell dear like most albs do :)


50g, thats all i got after the relic doors were repaired


matts, can you work out this?
talking about me:
[23:08:33] @@[Chat] Milithiel: "shush you dont know anything"

[23:08:59] @@[Chat] Milithiel: "stick to myshra"
[23:09:10] @@[Chat] Milithiel: "she knows everything"

i said "shush you dont know anything" to you matts, so wtf is she talkin about?


Myshra is merely referring to your comment confirming she knows everything, as everyone knows anyway :D

I think a lot of both of you, and I wish you could sort out your differences ... please? :confused:


lol mil i dunno myself mate :eek6: but anyway myshra i dont know albion at all u have to guide me to u and i can sell it may be hard coz i dont even know my way round camelot i dont even know my round prydwen keep :D heh oh well like heck i dont lol


mili being spiteful for the entire time of a DM trip doesn't go well with members of any guild who are trying to guide you, your guild may have shown your true colours on that raid, but thte best part by far was that

[23:00:56] @@[Chat] Milithiel: "lances team should pull seen as they get all the shit anyway"

the ironic part was that when i did pull kaq in the end, 4 of aov followed me in and agrooed a load of nearby crushers, yet its still my fault we went to the quarry? perhaps we were getting the drop because we had 2 wizards in the group? you bitched about anything you could, the fact that cop made a group of 4 whereas you had to aov groups of about 6 or 7, the fact that we took our own cleric, poor vae, any little thing you could moan about you did!

[23:19:09] @@[Chat] Milithiel: "oh yeh yussef doesnt get us killed thasts why nes not a leader"

no offence, but yussef took us to a load of orange cons, who were blue even to meep i think, he could have soloed them, and all they dropped was crap stuff, low (relativly to DM) plate etc...

you only get decent drops if you go in further then a few poxy diggers, which is what we did. sue me for looking for drops, all those that complained you died in DM, well tbh i would have suicided anyway, DM is a one way trip to me

[23:31:20] @@[Chat] Mattshanes: "myshra i dont know albion help me"
[23:31:46] @@[Chat] Mattshanes: "i lost here myshra"
and matt i dont get whats funny, unless bugging me to ask how to get around your own realm is funny... which tbh mate it isn't. meep was trying to show a newb how to get back to camp forest station and i gave the newb some DM loot worth a couple of g to pay for his trip as he was obviously lost, is that what yuor taking hte piss out of? if so i really pitty you.

the best bit was though when you moaned that after i took control of the party, we immediatly ran into brannoc, well the cop group did as we were in front and you were lagging behind it seems... and then you agrooed something which none of our group saw, so i started to use my bolts

[22:57:47] @@[Chat] Vae: "named"

you then you got bitter at us for killing it!
[22:58:11] @@[Chat] Yussef: "they went straight for named?"
[22:58:31] @@[Chat] Milithiel: "didnt even know there was 1" (what you cant read what vae said?)
[22:58:34] @@[Chat] Vae: "well no point hanging arouynd..."

aovs attitude during that DM raid was amazingly impressive, and then to blame me at the end that it was my fault we all died when i lead you into the quarry even though it was your tanks fault for following me in a shaggered formation right into the middle of hte quarry and pulling a stupid amount of those crushers.

GL AoV with furture raids, with your impressive leadership that half way through declares another leader half way through out of hte blue, im suprised you can even share drops out fairly.

to be fair, not all of AoV are like this, i know some very good members of them such as clivedunn, who ive known for years and is always a pleasure to group with, as is some of your other members whos names have escaped me. its just some of the rotten apples contaminate the whole batch. you know, some people from the raid even said sorry to me next day from aov, im not gonna publish their names as youll probably kick them out or something for doing something honourable, but at least they had some maturity.


and the sig comes from this:

we ran into a few too many crushers at once, and i died and so did one other tank we recovered from it no problem, but this is what was said...

[23:08:15] @@[Chat] Yussef: "graveyard......"
[23:08:18] @@[Chat] Mattshanes: "told yer"
[23:08:33] @@[Chat] Milithiel: "shush you dont know anything"
[23:08:39] @@[Chat] Vae: "move along to valley"
[23:08:50] @@[Chat] Yussef: "we'll follow keader"
[23:08:59] @@[Chat] Milithiel: "stick to myshra"
[23:09:10] @@[Chat] Milithiel: "she knows everything"

which for some reason i found amusing, put it this way mili, i knew where i was going and where hte named where, which i doubt you do.


As you may not have noticed we brought a few of our mid 30's along with us, we planned to keep it nice and simple and was meant to be guild only, who on earth invited you along? Lanceloc invited you and meepthor didn't he? Your attitude amazed me, we told you what we was going to do and you kept insisting lets go the quarry, the quarry i say, the god damn quarry, ffs the bloody quarry like a spoilt little girl. If you didn't want to come with us why didn't you go with YOUR guild? I thought it was a bit selfish to take the loot you liked at the end, such as cloth for you and a jewel for Meepthor without consulting any of my guild or Turamber if we needed it or not, you wanted to lead the hunt so I allowed you to, not many people listened to you though. You should be ashamed of ruining our evening, next time do something creative and don't come along. Also sorry to Turamber to have put up with that BS


the cloth? heres how we deicded we should keep it:

matt has bragged to me constantly recently that he has a whole suit of elemental / stonepin / ebony, so why should he need this part? meep already had a pair, and as i was the next highest caster he gave me it, simple.

the pin, that was easy, you see your guild already has one (or the pin of opposition, but i think its the polished one), on the first big DM raid you did where you lot never shared the drops you got a polished granite pin as well i remember, so we took this one. plus meeps intelligence is 15 below mine so he needed something.

and i never said i wanted to lead the hunt, thats complete crap.


Ok listen diggers dont drop crap btw they drop chain af94,inf weapons even a glow one that some of the guild wanted,a cleric hammer the guild wanted and some plate for our lv30s thats why we wanted to do them not for ourself for the guild and fun.
Secondly i dont hardly lag i was behind coz i am a very busy player i get a lot of msgs for invs mainly to groups ok and i have to reply to ppl i cant ignore them!
Thirdly u kept whining to go to the quarry so yussef got fed up of it and i dont blame him then u kept saying where to go so we let u lead coz we couldnt be bothered to be put up with constant whining.
Lastly i dont give a shit about drops mainly i just want ppl to have fun without ppl moaning all the time.It was yussefs hunt in charge and i wanted it to be like that to c how well he does and help him out a bit its not easy u know myshra u ask nilo we dont need someone moaning about the same old thing why couldnt u of been polite and said later on yussef mind if we go quarry not lets go quarry come on lets go now ffs quarry all quick lets go!!!
That is what annoyed me and many of aov also turamber even.


Btw also we never got a polished granite pin otherwise our casters would use one and no one has!not that i need it anyway:p


matt has bragged to me constantly recently that he has a whole suit of elemental / stonepin / ebony, so why should he need this part? meep already had a pair, and as i was the next highest caster he gave me it, simple.

Clive was 45 wasn't he and Cabbage was 42, god knows what level you are, 42 or 43 probably but keeping the items w/o discussing it is lame especially when we out numbered you 4 to 1.

I never asked you to come so keep your comments to your self when its an AOV raid, you could have easily left anytime especially when you say Dartmoor is a 1 way trip, next time jump off the train a few stops early and take your return ticket back to your bindstone.


we asked to goto the quarry, where else in DM is there to go for drops?

on the way you get kor, brannoc, then in the edge of the quarry by the sotrm callers thingies you get lip whatshisname and kez and kaq are inside. you ask me to lead, thats what i do, thats where the xp and drops are, simple.

/anon stops people from lyonesse from asking you, and we all have to deal with other people, hell as im sure you now have the log i sent clive (ta mate ;) ) you can see i got asked for advice, its not hard to deal with it.

i wanted it to be like that to see how well he does and help him out a bit. its not easy u know myshra u ask nilo we dont need someone moaning about the same old thing why couldnt u of been polite and said later on yussef mind if we go quarry not lets go to the quarry. come on lets go now ffs quarry, all quick lets go!!!
That is what annoyed me and many of aov also turamber even.
corrected some grammer to make it readable

if he couldn't handle the pressure why give him thte job? especially if going into the deathtrap which is DM. and i dont get hte nilo thing, ive lead groups into DM all the time, its not rocket science, just dont run about like an idiot and keep close. what could be simpler. a DM raid is not a relic raid, dont try and compare the two, since when did we allocate ram teams, relic retrival teams, cg's of leaders and more to kill a couple of big stone thingies?

you say yourself you dont need the polished pin or hte cloth so why bring the issue up also? and to anwser yussefs q, i did go with my guild didn't i :). its not my fault your guild has no high level wizards is it?


yeah clive is 45, but he also wasn't around when it dropped was he? otherwise he would have got the cloth, if he needed it that is.

need before greed.

meepthor was the highest caster in the raiding party, therefore he should get the jewel?

i was the highest caster there without an 46+ AF pants so i should get these?


Ahem i am near 50 u know! but i didnt need them anyway even if i did i wouldnt bother asking i am there to have fun and help ppl not to get drops all the time everywhere i go.I have helped many albs like given 3-4p to players total and i aint boasting that is a fact i go to dm for fun and a break not for moaners and drops.We would of gone quarry later but everything has to be done straight away with u,you not giving things a chance just like our guild when we r in such a strong alliance now for 2 guilds and is underated totally.As for our guild we have no nasty ppl at all everyone is nice its ppl like u who make them like another totally different person and as for meepthor and lanceloc those guys r good nice players who i have played with a lot and r good fun.


aah i get it you mean like one of your lvl 30ish armsmen that bugged me in catacombs, and you said you told him to keep bugging me? Aseim is his name, and i have a screenshot with it all on as well if you all wanna really see it.

helped many albs like given 3-4p to players total
no sob stories please, if you gave all your cash to people then why do you have none left ask yourself.

Ahem i am near 50 u know
but you arn't actually 50 are you? end of.

everything is done straight away with me because im efficent, whats the point in doing nothing?

its ppl like u who make them like another totally different person

im responsible for other peoples thoughts and comments now! by god, i have the ability to control minds!! muhahaha, fear me midgard! or it just could be some of your guild members are a little hot headed and perhaps a little young for a game which requires a credit/debit card to play, get your daddies did you mili? hmm, matt you might wanna proof read some of your posts here.


Hmmm a couple of points to make -

I logged on at Cornwall and almost immediately got a group invite from Matt to join his group. This was before being asked. We were going to have 2 groups but more people meant that we'd have to go as 3 so we decided to form a guild group then which AOV were quite happy for us to do at that point except: we were then accused of being selfish for taking myself the cleric into the new 4 man group. As it happens I left most of my buffs on Matts group who had him for PBT anyway to give each group some way of resisting damage. I then renewed these buffs everytime someone died.

AFAIAA Dartmoor is intended as a fight in and fight out zone not a sit and camp zone although I suppose you could manage it However fighting blues and yellows at a fixed camp allbeit with a chance for decent drops unlike Pygmies seems a poor idea when you could have more fun visiting the steaming swamp or the quarry :)

Regarding the drops - Yes it might have been wrong to hold back 2 of the drops without discussion. AFAIK though they were the only drops we got - I believe the rest were all given to AOV members on the raid which would have been 5 more at least from just the ones our group collected plus any the 2 AOV groups got. Least that was the situation when I logged. Thus it probably worked out fair in terms of ratios of members.

As for the raid chat - Myshra mentioned a few times that we should go to the quarry which Yussef then decided to let Myshra lead to do so. Now Myshra might have been over-persistent in asking but at no point insulted or had a go at anyone for not doing so. However the amount of constant sniping from AOV members about the fact that our group was getting the drops and betting that we'd keep them all or complaining that Myshra was leading the way when you'd decided to let her was ridiculous. To be followed up by Matt doing what I consider harrassment by continuing to ask for directions around Camelot and Prydwen keep as a way of taking the piss is in my opinion uncalled for.

I would consider myself reasonable and tried on a couple of occasions to get people to calm down all to no avail though as people were more intent on complaining than in trying to get on with the raid. I also dislike having to post something like this and would prefer that if people have a problem they talk to me personally.

I would say that having had this experience it will weigh heavily on my future opinions.


Lanceloc wanted you to be in my group, I had already offered the place to Cabbage, Vae was in group 2 but you, Lanceloc, Meepthor and Vae decided to make your own group although I asked Vae to stay in group 2 to heal the people instead of being selfish. Getting the last hits in does not mean you done most of the work, I asked for all loot to be given to 1 person and to be shared, if I was the leader listen next time,


You said u was second highest caster didnt u?and i aint???so i am a paladin then?:eek: aseim is one guy i forgot about and we r gonna deal with him so leave it at that.Vae i invited u because lanceloc was with us and he insisted we do.Well i had a reason to take the piss after myshra said i dont know dm when i sure do thank you.


Aseim begged everyone in the guild, god knows where he is now


Originally posted by old.Yussef
I asked Vae to stay in group 2 to heal the people instead of being selfish. Getting the last hits in does not mean you done most of the work, I asked for all loot to be given to 1 person and to be shared, if I was the leader listen next time,

a) vae was selfish? that comment has no place here, how dare you.

b) getting hte last hits in? um not quite, meep i think, was DD+debuff and then DD with ice, (cheating sod, i do more damage ffs! ;) ) and i was constantly using a spec DD/sepc bolt, loot is given to the group who does MOST damage, not who got the last hit in. besides, lance was given all the other stuff we didn't want like you said.


Meep does more damage then u myshra he has taken tanglers out one hits nearly and sometimes trees more then half hp!!


No we discussed about the loot we never just took it, we never gave the leftovers we discussed it proper, shame 2 items got left out.


I noticed you have criticised this guild since day 1, oh well shows how sad some people can be


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Meep does more damage then u myshra he has taken tanglers out one hits nearly and sometimes trees more then half hp!!
this is a joke between me and meep about damaging abilities, due to type of damage, base DD value and type of attack.which is why i winked and its nothing to do with you at all. and gobbos in one? um, 1 bolt will do it from me. ta


Meep is one of the best wizzies in the game full stop.
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