Very Good Solo Cabalist Spec?



Well i made a thurgerist because people said i could easily get a group, at level 20 i still can't ever get groups so i've decided to make a Cabalist. Can someone help me with what specs re best, i saw 2 Damage over Time spells, one in matter and one in matter spec. if i learn matter can i cast both at once and both will be in effect or only one can be in effect at once...? Any general tips on Cabs or anything to do with them would be GREATLY apprieciated.


Is the cabalist named after Lord of the Rings too? :p

Btw, Theurgists are only good for groups once they have pbt, im not 100% sure on this, but don't you need to be lvl26 before you can get it?


theurgists don't get groups till level 26 and only if they have 26 in earth :)


I can't get to level 26 because i am dying too much.. i need a class i can solo because nobody ever groups with me. What is the best type of pet a Cabalist can tame out of interest? And what colour would it be to me if i were 50, do they stay their original level? Do some heal / cast buffs on you, i've seen them do something like this....



Cabalists do not charm pets. They can summon a wee beastie called a simulcrum (spealt differently, no doubt) This simulcrum cons blue to the cabalist. Cabalists can not heal or buff other people, but can do this to their pet.

If you want to charm pets, then a sorceror is the class for you. Not necesarily easy to level at first, but come the later levels groups will pay you if you join. No doubt you will grow a healthy sorc ego, and act aloof to the groups who need you and solo right next to them just for the hell of it. Once you hit lvl50 this ego will be pulverised as in RvR your mezzes will have the duration of roughly 3s for various reasons.

However they can charm pets, and certain pets do heal and buff you, e.g Issolationist Clerics.


i think you'll find cabalists can heal other people.


If they can, they sure are lazy with the heals :p

If your looking for decent specs, I would check out the American boards on They are always experimenting with new specs there, and also have the foresight of shrouded isles and a few patches.

Madonion Slicer

i have a lvl17 Cabbie and i have so far not joined a single group, simply because what ever a group is xp on i have found i can do just as well solo. This will change as xping gets harder i am sure.

I am going full Matter, not following the other cabbies out there by putting 3 in spirit first, as this will mean you dont have 24matter at 24 you miss out on the evil ae dot for BG1, which is a nice break before the xping again.


Ahh yes sorry my mistake can someone tell me what would be the main difference between a sorc. and caba. i realise one can 'summon' a pet and one has to tame.. what level to you pets can you tame, blue? are they more or less good than pets etc., any help plz :)



Either spec full matter, or full body, at 40 respec to 46 matter, 28 body, 3 spirit.
There you go, cookie cutter cabalists in only 2 simple steps :)



Originally posted by Jiggs
i think you'll find cabalists can heal other people.

Cabbys have a life transfer spell - i.e remove hp's from self and give them to another player.

However it is only available in the body spec. line (many cabbys spec full matter and therefore won't have it). From what I've read/heard it isn't great.


Originally posted by arwen
Ahh yes sorry my mistake can someone tell me what would be the main difference between a sorc. and caba. i realise one can 'summon' a pet and one has to tame.. what level to you pets can you tame, blue? are they more or less good than pets etc., any help plz :)

Sorcs have the potential to 'tame' yellow con pets. Other than that, ask a sorc advisor in game!

Sorc = Mr. Albion crowd control, all mezzing, all dancing.

Cabalist = oddball. summons a pet which can be used to fight. Mostly used for their AoE DOT spells.


Originally posted by arwen
at level 20 i still can't ever get groups

eh? yesterday you said you were level 12 then this morning you said you deleted the char because you specd wrong and now its level 20 in about 5 hours? :eek:


Originally posted by arwen
I can't get to level 26 because i am dying too much.. i need a class i can solo because nobody ever groups with me. What is the best type of pet a Cabalist can tame out of interest? And what colour would it be to me if i were 50, do they stay their original level? Do some heal / cast buffs on you, i've seen them do something like this....


No! You can easily get a group! You have root, which is always nice in PvE. You have EB+haste, which means tanks love you. You have a group-bladeturn so you can protect EVERYONE at the beginning of the fight.

Offer your help and do:

* Root the add(s)
* EB+haste the tanks
* Find out who 'gets the aggro' and SPAM your targettable bladeturn (level 10 earth-specline spell) on him.

Trust me, they will love you!

In times you can't get a group do the following:

Search a YELLOW con mob and put 4 earth-pets on him. When the mob is at 70% hitpoints use your DD in the ice-line. When the mobs comes running to you (probably at 30% hitpoints) RUN AWAY FROM IT and let your pets continu the pounding. If your pets die and the mob didn't face the mob and do a (quickcast)-root on him, so he's frozen to the ground. Now take some distance and finish him off with a few pets more or a few nukes (depends on the amount of hitpoints left on him).

It's foolproof once you get the hang of it. If all goes ok and you need a bigger challenge try an orange one. More pets in it (6, perhaps even 7) and same routine.

Once you hit level 26 you have PBT and all groups want you!

Good luck!


Ive found best way to lvl so far with cabby i have found, although i have not taken it past 30 yet so cant comment after is to take spirit to 12 for 1st set of pet buffs , the 11 and 12 buff made such a difference its unreal. It will also enable to you to recycle a full bar from casting 2 pet recycles. Then go matter until 20. I then respecced all matter for some bg fun which gave me an awesome pet damage shield, ability to double dot and ae dot.
Cabbys are very strong solo class and can pretty much chain yellow and low orange.
BTW cabbys dont exactly have a heal they have a life transfer which enable you to transfer some of your own life to another person which you would then life tap back from mobs. Only problem is its in the body line which is considered much weaker than matter. Ive found it a real fun class to play.


cabalist max total heal on other in combat=700-1000 hp, then they cant cast it anymore cuz then they are out of hp, cant say they are lazy realy :)


not sure what your saying above, but my total heal when i was body spec was about 300 odd.
Buy yes we have to stop when out heath runs out.
That heal is handy from saving someone from a stealther who's run up PA'ed and poisned then run off.



The theurgist is one of the best solo classes in the game, if you can't solo with him your doing something wrong, try checking one of the many theurgist guides on the net ;)


Originally posted by Puppetmistress

No! You can easily get a group! You have root, which is always nice in PvE. You have EB+haste, which means tanks love you. You have a group-bladeturn so you can protect EVERYONE at the beginning of the fight.

Offer your help and do:

* Root the add(s)
* EB+haste the tanks
* Find out who 'gets the aggro' and SPAM your targettable bladeturn (level 10 earth-specline spell) on him.

Trust me, they will love you!

In times you can't get a group do the following:

Search a YELLOW con mob and put 4 earth-pets on him. When the mob is at 70% hitpoints use your DD in the ice-line. When the mobs comes running to you (probably at 30% hitpoints) RUN AWAY FROM IT and let your pets continu the pounding. If your pets die and the mob didn't face the mob and do a (quickcast)-root on him, so he's frozen to the ground. Now take some distance and finish him off with a few pets more or a few nukes (depends on the amount of hitpoints left on him).

It's foolproof once you get the hang of it. If all goes ok and you need a bigger challenge try an orange one. More pets in it (6, perhaps even 7) and same routine.

Once you hit level 26 you have PBT and all groups want you!

Good luck!

or just spec air, solo undead mobs / do killtasks / be a wiz lookalike until lvl 20 then respec air to earth and just struggle only for those 6 levels :)

Molten Lava


fuck up the XP for all lvl 40-50's in the game...dont start one


Theurgist is the best mage class in Albion.
With air spec you must send 3-4 pets to target and nuke it. Air pets can stun and you have good nukes
With earth only spec you must send lots of pets to kill your target. Your pets are good tanks, but your nukes sucks.
With ice only spec you must send lots of pets and nuke. You have not really good pets and have not a good nuke.
Full earth o ice spec are not really good. With earth you are a support only class, with ice you are not a good nuker and not a good support class, but mixed earth/ice spec is really good for solo PvE and grouping. First send 2-3 earth pets, after that send 2-3 ice pets and you have semidecent nukes to finish MOBs.
Wind spec is really nice, stunning pets, mezz and good nukes. And you can spec earth to 26 to have pbt and easy get groups. Problem is that stupids tanks don't like theurs in group if theur have not pbt (think tanks don't know that group pbt, good nukes, haste and EB is really nice for a group)


Re: Cabalist

Originally posted by Molten Lava
fuck up the XP for all lvl 40-50's in the game...dont start one

Dunno about anyone else but I'd love an explanation on this one ;)


Cadive: At 46 matter you get the last aedot, something you can solo the beloved tanglers/goblins with, every alb that has played this game have lvled 33 to 45 there (there is exceptions of course)

And btw, dont specc matter just because its the flavor of the month, try something different(not spirit, tested it on gorre and jesus that speccline is gimped)

Why not something like :

Body 45, matter 19, spirit 22 --> last body nuke, second last NS, first AE dot, the first body debuff(-15%) and when you recycle your pet you will get back loads of power


Originally posted by loxleyhood
CabalCabalists can not heal or buff other people

mm.. a life transfer is not classed as a heal is it? .. it certainly replaces lost Hp .. :/ ?

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