Finally! i've raised enough money on my chars to start making BG alts again so hopefully i'll cya in thid soon (my new shade is 13.5, called venombladez hehe)
hope to see you all out there,
gl till then (but i hope it runs out just as i arrive )
btw leviathiane u is going down what char class u playing atm? and what name? and ormorof, what ur present BG alt called?
hehe fond fond memories of fights with you 2 going back ages
ps i still got no buff bot so all u infs/SB's only come 4 at a time, so i at least have a fair chance, so i'm always gonna be alone <sigh>
never any hibs in thid
hope to see you all out there,
gl till then (but i hope it runs out just as i arrive )
btw leviathiane u is going down what char class u playing atm? and what name? and ormorof, what ur present BG alt called?
hehe fond fond memories of fights with you 2 going back ages
ps i still got no buff bot so all u infs/SB's only come 4 at a time, so i at least have a fair chance, so i'm always gonna be alone <sigh>
never any hibs in thid