Venom recruiting! :D



Firstly, I apologise if you have seen this message in about a million different places already, but obviously I want as many people to see it as possible.

Ok, [Ve/\/om] are going to start being extremely active after a couple of months without many games, so we feel that we need some more players to increase our squad size. We are currently involved in the ClanBase UT Domination OpenCup, and the BarrysWorld UT CTF league (division 2B). Soon we will be signing up to the BlueYonder UT CTF league, the Jolt UT CTF league, and some Jolt UT2K3 leagues.

So what we are looking for is:
1 or 2 UT CTF players
2 or 3 UT2K3 CTF/BR/DD players

We have no restrictions on age (our current members are aged from around 15 to 40). We have no restrictions on nationality or hardware, other than that you must be able to have a playable connection to UK servers.

If you think you are interested, join #clanvenom on quakenet and talk to one of the ops.



Hey old.gooner!

Well I'm interested only I only use internet cafe PC's so if thats not a problem I'd like to join but the days I can play can be limited at times.

I play UT original ctf especially at defence. I 've held my own defending on extremely populated servers many a time. Usually on dutch server as there was more teamplay involved.

I'm 19 and live in Ireland and have playing UT on and off for 2 years. So if you still need someone just reply.

Raife!! :)


Age 29
Loc UK
Skillz = Not bad (3 Years experiance)
Monster PC
Connex DSL (Slthough Pipex is doing my box in :( )
Player Name = Spooks
Game Mods , DM , TDM , CTF

Interested :D

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