Selling a few itams
reserve right not to sell and blablabla....
All items start at 200g and inc 50g
Auction ends monday at 2100 hours.
Arcane Gem (jewel)
Hits23 - Strengh6 - Power10 - Body5%
Con100 Dur90 Qua91
Speedy Choker (necky)
Qui15 - Dex13 - Cha12 - Str7
Con100 Dur90 Qua88
Serrated Choker (Necky)
Sword5 - Shield2 - Slash3% - Crush1%
Con100 Dur99 Qua90
Shimmering Protectors Round Shield (Small)
Shield4 - Pie12 - Str15 - Hits18
Con100 Dur100 Qua90
Shimmering Spiritbinder Padded Vest
Supp5 - Pie6 - Qui9 - Matter3
Con100 Dur100 Qua91 Af49
Glacial diamond ring
Pow8 - Dex21 - Crush8
Con100 Dur100 Qua94
Gaszi's Battle Hammer (1-hand)
16.2 Dps 3.2Spd
Matter10% Heat10% Hits30
Con100 Dur100 Qua100
64Dps Dot Proc
Glib Cloak
Cha18 Dex15 Axe3 Shield2
Con100 Dur91 Qua90
Dwarven Great Sword
13.5 Dps 5.0Spd
Qui4 Sword4 BS2
Con78 Dur100 Qua98
68Dps DD Proc
Lecherous Gress Skin (belt)
Dex7 Str7 Con6
2/2 Charges Damage-shield Value3
Con100 Dur100 Qua90
Fortifying Bracelet
Con15 Slash6% Energy3% Sword3
Con100 Dur100 Qua90
Lacerated Stick
Dex18 Pie18 Pow9
50 summ focus levels
10/10 331dps cold dd charges
con100 dur100 qua95
Soulbinder Bracelet
Con12 Summ4 Dex6 Hits16
con100 dur100 qua86
EDIT - Added Lacerated Stick & Soulbinder bracelet
reserve right not to sell and blablabla....
All items start at 200g and inc 50g
Auction ends monday at 2100 hours.
Arcane Gem (jewel)
Hits23 - Strengh6 - Power10 - Body5%
Con100 Dur90 Qua91
Speedy Choker (necky)
Qui15 - Dex13 - Cha12 - Str7
Con100 Dur90 Qua88
Serrated Choker (Necky)
Sword5 - Shield2 - Slash3% - Crush1%
Con100 Dur99 Qua90
Shimmering Protectors Round Shield (Small)
Shield4 - Pie12 - Str15 - Hits18
Con100 Dur100 Qua90
Shimmering Spiritbinder Padded Vest
Supp5 - Pie6 - Qui9 - Matter3
Con100 Dur100 Qua91 Af49
Glacial diamond ring
Pow8 - Dex21 - Crush8
Con100 Dur100 Qua94
Gaszi's Battle Hammer (1-hand)
16.2 Dps 3.2Spd
Matter10% Heat10% Hits30
Con100 Dur100 Qua100
64Dps Dot Proc
Glib Cloak
Cha18 Dex15 Axe3 Shield2
Con100 Dur91 Qua90
Dwarven Great Sword
13.5 Dps 5.0Spd
Qui4 Sword4 BS2
Con78 Dur100 Qua98
68Dps DD Proc
Lecherous Gress Skin (belt)
Dex7 Str7 Con6
2/2 Charges Damage-shield Value3
Con100 Dur100 Qua90
Fortifying Bracelet
Con15 Slash6% Energy3% Sword3
Con100 Dur100 Qua90
Lacerated Stick
Dex18 Pie18 Pow9
50 summ focus levels
10/10 331dps cold dd charges
con100 dur100 qua95
Soulbinder Bracelet
Con12 Summ4 Dex6 Hits16
con100 dur100 qua86
EDIT - Added Lacerated Stick & Soulbinder bracelet