my luri is special :< he needs a template, tried making one before ended up having 26 str cap 26 con cap 26 dex cap 75 quick (5 quick off cap for luri) 8 spell damage 8 style damage 10 melee damage 10 melee speed.
fucked up big style sadly :/ ended up not having enough sc slots for sists etc, it looked so promising at first.
this is the one I was working on - incomplete atm because I noticed I wouldnt have enough sc to finish it.
ok so sat back abit and pondered abit out, came up with a weaponless template mainly going to be running Matter Legendary to debuff my claws damage (i'll be 44 pierce 48 VE for 200 dd matter claw/fumble/450 radius stealth detection etc)
it is fully weaponless tho as said so will be using traitors/other things sometimes, cons abit low hits not camped and toa bonus's are cack what do you reckon? going to sc the leggy weps I use with matter/spirit/energy or perhaps heat unsure yet but you get the picture.
template stats - lurikeen racials included - 250 quick with vamp self buffs.
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