Valroth singing out, it's been fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Hello my friends, I've quit DAoC :p

(Short but powerfull!)

On a more serious note, yes I've left DAoC due to IRL, simply don't have time for any MMORPG anymore as it sucks up way too much time, and in order to keep playing/advance you need to stick so much time in it, so it's not really my thang anymore with upcoming work and stuff.

My time in Alb/Pryd has been very fun, and I want to thank all my friends and people I played with for that, the moment I left Exc/Mid for prydwen it felt like playing a complete new game.

I've achieved a lot, and am satisfied with those things, there really isn't any endgame left except getting RR12, which I just can't be bothered with anymore.

It's been fun while it lasted for 3 years, and I bid you all farewell.

I could list my friends here, but I'd forget a few, there's just one persons name I'm going to put down here, that's been like a real brother to me on Alb and that's Goku, thanks for the fun bro, see you on a sunny side. (And don't forget to PM me :OD)

Laters folks, good game, and I hope you all will enjoy your game as much as I once did :)


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Cya mate, will miss you :) PM me on FH with your MSN address if you have it, and see you in GuildWars maybe? :p

Good luck in real life and all the best.

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