I started a valewalker a few days ago, and i just love the class. Strange that not more ppl play them really. So far i have just soloed with him from lvl 20-29. And what i noticed is the powercost on my spells. So what im wondering is: Will arborial focus help us with the powercost of our spells? It should really, as we are seen as caster classes with cloth, who can use the intell spec buff from droods, etc etc.
Need some thoughts and help here. Anyone actually tried with focus on their gear? Also, feel free to post some specs here. have a few lvls to decide on my final spec. Seems like most are going for the 50 scythe, 38 arb one... i was thinking about 44 scythe, 43 arb. Will damage output be that much worse? And how is damage on LT with such a spec, etc etc.
I will post this one on the Excal/hib discuss as well.
/Cailiann Whalewalker - lvl 29 WV of HDS hib/pryd
Need some thoughts and help here. Anyone actually tried with focus on their gear? Also, feel free to post some specs here. have a few lvls to decide on my final spec. Seems like most are going for the 50 scythe, 38 arb one... i was thinking about 44 scythe, 43 arb. Will damage output be that much worse? And how is damage on LT with such a spec, etc etc.
I will post this one on the Excal/hib discuss as well.
/Cailiann Whalewalker - lvl 29 WV of HDS hib/pryd