V1.5 Patch notes



1) The Skyguard anti-aircraft buggy is now available for use. Enjoy!

2) Hotspot algorithms have been improved. The Hotspots now scale up and down in size so that you can see the relative size of the battles in progress. Additionally, they are much more accurate (there is always a battle there now if you see a hotspot) and they refresh much more often. You should find them much more useful in finding battles now.

3) You can now respawn to a hacked building if you are a member of the owning Empire. Previously, once a building was hacked, the option to respawn there was unavailable. This is no longer the case.

4) The Advanced Hacking certification is now required in order to hack equipment terminals or vehicle terminals.

5) The issue where vehicles purchased at a vehicle pad would sometimes fire from the weapons pad (instead of their muzzle points) causing players unintentional grief when they killed their friends accidentally at the pad, has been fixed.

6) You can now assign keys to the camera in/out functions on the Keymap screen.

7) Errant hotspots no longer show up in corners on the Global Map.

8) You should no longer lose your text input cursor when death messages occur in the status window. (Only happened on a few screens, like the /bug screen.)

9) Command chat works properly again.

10) Because "H" is typically the hotkey for "Help" and because "H" was the toggle for "Hotspots" on the map screen, there was no hotkey for Hotspots that functioned. "Hotspots" now has a hotkey of "O" on the map screen.

11) Missiles no longer move with their shell shape sideways. They fly properly to target now.

12) Waypoint beams now sort correctly against hill bottoms and buildings so that the base of the beams no longer shows through those objects.

13) The HART Shuttle is now visible on the proximity map while inside an Shuttle Building.

14) You can no longer see infiltration suits while your view is zoomed.

15) Spitfire turrets can no longer fire at targets inside a warpgate bubble.

16) The exploit allowing folks to get the stealth effect to "stick" to an incorrect armor type has been sealed.

17) First-time help tab (on your Character Info screen) now shows all completed first-time tasks.

18) Magrider Heavy Rail Beam projectile now fires in the center of the reticul e (instead of slightly above).

19) Players can no longer avoid Phalanx Wall Turret fire by merely strafing left.

20) Fixed an exploit that allowed infiltration suits to equip rifle-sized objects.

21) Fixed an exploit that allowed folks to damage objects while they were supposedly linkdead.

22) You can no longer hack an enemy base if the friendly base connected to that base (on the lattice) is already hacked. In otherwords, if your base of operations is hacked, you can't use that base to link to other enemy bases. Therefore, you can't hack enemy bases until your own rear area is secure.

23) 3000x800 video resolution is now supported.

24) You no longer crash if you exit a vehicle while it is upside down.

25) Pulsar was boosted in damage slightly per shot against soldiers. Also, the AP fire rate was increased to match that of Standard shots.

26) The VS MAX Quasar had its default ammo increased from 40 to 60 shots. It's AP damage is ever so slightly less to compensate, but its infantry damage is the same.

27) The population lock indicator has been changed to show how many slots are left for your Empire on that continent. In otherwords, it now shows a number instead of a percentage. The number caps out at 100, so if more than 100 slots remain on a continent, the indicator will say "100+".

21 looks like a particularly good one and 22 should make things more interesting :D. Looks like a good one, Sporkfire also posted this:

We wanted to let you know that we are currently working more on the lag situation. We've identified some optimizations that should make a significant difference. We're committed to making the game enjoyable and technically stable as possible and hope this improves things for those of you experiencing issues.

Victor Wachter


14) You can no longer see infiltration suits while your view is zoomed. - Thank christ for that.

16) The exploit allowing folks to get the stealth effect to "stick" to an incorrect armor type has been sealed. - Good to see that fixed.

21) Fixed an exploit that allowed folks to damage objects while they were supposedly linkdead. - An end to cheating whores?

26) The VS MAX Quasar had its default ammo increased from 40 to 60 shots. It's AP damage is ever so slightly less to compensate, but its infantry damage is the same. - Cue moans of "But VS are so under-powered".....again.


14. --> an Sniper nerf ?
24) You no longer crash if you exit a vehicle while it is upside down. --> Well no I dont need to fear RandomICE anymore :D


Originally posted by Gewny
14. --> an Sniper nerf ?

No a sniper fix, I i remember corectly, when you zoomed in a stealther would always apear as if he was running, even if stood still


thats wierd when zoomed - infils look the same to me as normal

ie when they move i see them when they stop i cant.

never had this see them all the time thing

im running a radeon 9700 pro

old.Trine Aquavit

I could never see stationary infils when zoomed, but moving infils were easier to see when zoomed than they should have been - they appeared as 'opaque' rather than with varied levels of transparency, and were easier to see. Good that this is fixed, imo.

Looks like a good patch.


Originally posted by [PS]Mung
21) Fixed an exploit that allowed folks to damage objects while they were supposedly linkdead. - An end to cheating whores?

Yes I am quoting myself......

So now they fixed this, and baring in mind the ammount of lag, does thios mean NO-ONE will be taking damage? ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Nice one - when will it go live?
*at work... can't check for myself. Big, bad proxy;)*


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Nice one - when will it go live?
*at work... can't check for myself. Big, bad proxy;)*

These are the items for the upcoming PlanetSide patch. Before patching the live servers, these updates will be available on a public test server in the next day or two, so you can give them a try and share your feedback before we launch.


LOL sibby, I had JUST gone and found that to post it, but you got there just before me :p

I'm guessing we might get it friday or if not, monday, I'd have thought, provided no major bugs rear their ugly heads in the public test thing.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Bastichs! All of you!! :p

Hey... I am supposed to work and have the window weally, weally small (hiding it behind Excel sheets... RAR) and can hardly make out the words. *coughs*

Does that sound like a lame excuse? Damn straight, it does.


hmm, did you get the readme from the beta server? do we have a rollout date yet for the other servers?


Originally posted by Sibanac
These are the items for the upcoming PlanetSide patch. Before patching the live servers, these updates will be available on a public test server in the next day or two, so you can give them a try and share your feedback before we launch.
I think they are playing a wait and see game.


No mention of the liberator :(

ohoh, and medics /cry

Still, wonder how many cert points the skyguard will cost, looks interesting :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

I can't wait for the Reaver-n00b whines... *rubs hands*


23) 3000x800 video resolution is now supported.


Who cares... it doesnt run well in 800 * 600 never mind that rediculously stupid res.


Originally posted by leggy

Who cares... it doesnt run well in 800 * 600 never mind that rediculously stupid res.

For Widescreen monitors apparantly.

God knows.

Teh Krypt

Tbh give me £3000 and I can get a widescreen flatscreen moniter from alienware :p


You spend money at alienware you deserve to be hung by your bollocks and used as a swing.


3000x800 res is for multiple monitors I thought? For a wider field of vision. Bit unfair if you ask me, give people with the money an advantage..

old.Trine Aquavit

Here's my take on the 3000x800 thing...

SOE has a big demo rig designed for producing flash demos to show to investors/media and for developing material for promotional vids. The set-up supports 3000x800, so SOE make a trivial change to allow it to be supported in-game without having to do a separate client build. They stick it in the patch notes to make it available to anyone else with such a rig.

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